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Destiny 2

Discussioni su Destiny 2.
Modificato da Bleu: 11/18/2024 9:26:28 PM

Exotic Armor Synthesis (Transmog)

I believe that Exotic Armor should be able to use the Armor Synthesis system (Transmog) at Ada-1 to change the appearance of Exotic Armor as Legendary Armor does. Many Exotic Armors and their Ornaments don’t match many of the other, varied armors the game provides. Doing so would encourage the usage of Exotic Armor considered “ugly” by the community, such as “Rime-Coat Raiment” and in general would bring about better fashion choices with this increased freedom. The only argument I could see against this is needing to know what your enemy in Crucible is using. My argument against this is that you would have to know what every Exotic, and it’s variants though Ornaments, looks like and what it does for it’s user. For normal playlists, I think it’s unreasonable to assume everyone has intimate knowledge of so many different types of Exotic Armor. That’s not even including the fact that Exotic Class Items from Final Shape which have (to my knowledge) 64 unique possible rolls under the umbrella of just one exotic. As for Trials of Osiris, an actual competitive mode over the normal playlists, the game-mode itself displays which exotics your foes are using, and punishes them with energy-removal upon switching out for another Exotic. Thank you all for reading; have a great day.



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