For strikes its fine but for grandmasters its awful. It doesn't add an element of fun or real difficulty. It just limits builds or results in ability spam builds. Remember how we got rid of match game because it was limiting builds? Personally I think all the modifiers are kinda dumb but I wouldn't say bad. Oscillation though, is bad. Either remove modifiers from grandmaster or please revamp it and make sure it will never lead to needing to run a shotgun or smg in a GM just to balance out the modifier. I would rather have match game over this.
Modificato da Ogma: Destroyer of Worlds: 1/20/2025 4:19:12 PMThe modifiers system is a bad way to impose challenge in the first place. Challenge shouldn’t come from restrictions and hinderances to what the player can normally do. It should come from enemy abilities and behavior. This was yet another reason I played so little this season. GMs(most of them) used to be the fun thing where I ran and tried different builds and weapons during down time. Didn’t do that at all this season because modifiers are just SO incredibly annoying and not fun.
Oscillation, skip. Counterfeit, skip. Haste, meh, may as well skip as well. About the only thing they got right that I don't mind are the Banes. They're a damn sight better than Chumps.
Agreed. I just completed another Liminality GM last night and I hate how limiting this modifier is. It didn’t add any real difficulty to the GM and it certainly wasn’t fun. It’s just pointless restrictions for the sake of pointlessness.
Whoever made these modifiers needs to go sit in the corner for the rest of their life, and never come out.
It’s not a good modifier but I’ve learned to play around it this season. It’s actually not too bad if using a slug shotgun in liminality proved to actually be good. Up to 200k damage on the boss per crit. And the best part about that strike is you can cut some time off by ball duping. At first the strike and its modifier were buns. After playing that strike sooo much and finally building into the modifier you can get some pretty quick clears of that
Rid it of the negative effect for other weapon types and it would be much better. Even better would be remove that and remove the decay stacks so you only build positive stacks so you don't have to use a gun that gets progressively worse just to use a gun that is kind of strong for 10 seconds.
Terrible all around.
Its not but Bungie thinks its an amazing feature
You're right, it's not good - it's great.
Shotguns are very powerful
Streamers love them
Oscillation, Counterfeit, Haste. All of them should have never even been a concept with this game. There is no reason for them since majority of Bungie's modifiers are negative to players in comparison to stuff like Daybreak back in D1 which actually made Nightfalls enjoyable compared to this garbage.
When Oscillation is the mod then i refuse to play that GM, because it sets you up Forum failure and GM are hard enough as is. Have to do one GM to guild (liminallity) my Conq titel, but dont even going to because of it.
It can be quite powerful.