First time I've ever seen a season or episode launched with no voices recorded in it and being said "you can read the dialogue so no problem at all and enjoy".
Just wait the next episode to maybe ear the characters speak again.
How is this possible to accept to launch the game as we are not even able to enjoy the story to the fullest ?
That is total lack of respect to all players who support you for such a long time.
That may not prevent to play the game but it has significantly altered the pleasure to play to it.
It's the SAG-AFTRA strike. Everyone is with out voice actors right now. They either delay the season for who knows how long till the strike finishes (everyone is pissed). Or they release it with subtitles (everyone still pissed). Tough spot to be.
Son of a Kaiju - vecchio
There maybe more to the story between the layoffs and other drama add crunch and the already unstable and fast development cycle... for all we know they were told everything was moving smoothly till it wasn't on Short notice... Large games have many moving parts there is no way to just flip a switch and fix some of these development is not magic... sometimes cars stall on train tracks .only thing you can do is get out step 30 feet away and watch....guy running the train will try to stop but he is along for the ride regardless...bad luck all-round sometimes -
Like, they should of just put this on the backburner and instead fixed the game, actually they should of just called it quits and shut down the servers
Wait are you serious? Is it a glitch or they actually released this season with no recorded voice lines? If it is the latter then that's a really bad sign
Context that nobody cares about. Voice actors have been on strike for like 6 months now
To be fair there's nothing they can do about a writer/actor strike. If they delayed it people would've complained just like they are complaining right now. It's a lose/lose situation lol
[quote]First time I've ever seen a season or episode launched with no voices recorded in it and being said "you can read the dialogue so no problem at all and enjoy". Just wait the next episode to maybe ear the characters speak again. How is this possible to accept to launch the game as we are not even able to enjoy the story to the fullest ? That is total lack of respect to all players who support you for such a long time. That may not prevent to play the game but it has significantly altered the pleasure to play to it.[/quote] How were you allowed to to make an account on here. Like bunch of parrots 🦜 Go play an easier game if you are having trouble Stop clogging up the forums with bull
Makes you wonder how bad Apollo and Behemoth will be 👀
They should have delayed it to work on it, take feedback from players and get the voices. They also should have taken time to include the Dreadnaught as an ACTUAL patrol zone. I want to EXPLORE. Relive my glory days. I’m hoping that we will be able to do this when the next expansion releases, similar to how the Cosmodrome was released with Beyond Light.
It shows how bad a state bungie is, or they just didn't care.
BDF crew incoming with some BS about how entitled you are for expecting voice lines to be recorded in the game. Straight clowns.
Saw this message and ran straight to the forums lmao. It’s absolutely ridiculous they didn’t get the lines voiced. Makes me worry about the future of destiny content, as if we all weren’t already worried haha
Yeah, how are blind people going to be able to play now? Totally unthoughtful, Bungie!
Because, "Money". Mr. Krabs, (every season EVER on SpongeBob)
Thank you. Idk why they thought that bandaid was the right choice.
AH! My pleasure! Altered!
Be grateful, I didn't purchase this episode but after being thrown into the first mission I'm now being nagged by Drifter to go to Eris room non stop even though I have. Nothing I tried will shut him up. I now wish I'd had the option to Bethesda his butt on the dreadnought.
Bungie dont release anything half baked,thats why its raw on every new release . but people NEVER learn,time to stop simping
It's a voice actor strike thing