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Discussioni su Destiny 2.
2/9/2025 2:20:14 AM

New Dungeon adds mechanics, will it lose players?

So the new Dungeon is out and has symbols from VOW with the bloody hands wait that's called Worship, no wait Hive, no no its Give, ehh let me go outside the game and get my "destiny 2 raid guide 45 minute Rick Khackis video" up to check hmmmm better put these images up on a 3rd Monitor..... SMH and we have lenses to collect and move angles and light to send in 4 directions down hallways and through corners and a clock thing to rotate with those same symbols and tons of enemies attacking as we try and figure all this out and yeaaaahhhhhh right I find the direction the game is going in fascinating..... and NOT a smart business move by Bungie. Really tune & design all this content to the tiny elites, gone are the days of simple fun, or stand in circle and shoot, or even D1 shoot oracles in any order, now it's shoot oracles in the song order they spawn in and have teammate calling them out and if you shoot wrong order the whole team wipes and starts all over, SMH. I have thought for years Bungie should bring MORE players into the game, bring more along into these Dungeons and Raids by having more difficulty options and having less complex insane mechanics, maybe have optional added mechanics for other harder difficulties. I see all this as pushing more players away, I used to do dungeons and raids with friends BUT as each got harder, more mechanical, even the old reprised D1 raids we enjoyed just "had to be tweaked by Bungie so the day 1 race would be harder" and all my old D1 friends hated the new version D2 raids, it was too much added annoyance and difficulty. All my old D1 raid crew has quit, my friends in D2 that played Dungeons have gotten tired and frustrated, Vespers and Dual Destiny etc has led them to say they just can't be bothered. We used to laugh and play fun dungeons, they are NOT FUN anymore. Will Bungie CEOs, Execs, Devs, Designers, ANYONE that wants Bungie to retain, keep and grow players read this.....sadly no, they won't read this, they had decent numbers on twitch for people watching and they might think that's a win. BUT many players won't play it, let alone play it Weekly for fun, and many won't even beat it. Game is going more and more to a tiny elite. Streamers and Youtubers will say: "make a game for everyone and you make a game for NO one" BUT that's total BS !! Monopoly, Fortnite, Minecraft, countless games made to entertain as many as possible are massively successful with a HUGE audience. "make a game for only the elite and only a few elite will play and the masses won't and the game will fail in time" is the true reality.



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  • This dungeon is realistically not any harder than Duality. If you’re doing raids and dungeons, you should know the symbols by now - (it’s been the same for 3 years) or at least be able to pull it up on your phone. First encounter - Shoot bat - Place lenses to point where bat tells you. - Repeat Second Encounter - pickup wizard drops - deposit the correct number of stacks - Wait around - DPS - Repeat Third Encounter - Have a basic understanding of Destiny - Have a map open on your phone - Kill a psion - Shoot strand blobs on the right symbol area - DPS - repeat. It’s endgame and there are 0 wipe mechanics so you can take it as slow as you want.



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  • Pretty much all the dungeons have some form of mechanics



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  • [quote]....they had decent numbers on twitch for people watching and they might think that's a win.[/quote] This has been [i]TFS[/i] in a nutshell. Fanservice to the Content Creators. Anyone who doesn't recognize this isn't being objectively honest.



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    • I swear anything that takes even the slightest bit of effort in this game is considered elite. Every raid and dungeon (except maybe salvations edge) can be figured out with a guide vid and repition. If that is too much for you, then you are truly lazy



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      • It's just genuinely unenjoyable now. They keep shoving raid mechanics and sweaty content at everyone, and can't figure out why people don't wanna play anymore. Bungie insists that the only players who matter are the streamers and content creators. By the time they learn, it'll be too late. As it is, marathon is going to flop at launch, if it ever even gets released. They aren't making games people enjoy, they're making slop that they think will bring in money.



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        • Dude... Is there ANYTHING on this game you enjoy? Every post from you complain about (quite literally) everything the game has to offer.



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          • No need to leave thz game to know what symbols means what. At the first encounter you have a room where all the symbols have their names floating



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          • Modificato da Obi-Juan: 2/10/2025 2:13:25 AM
            This is the first time ever I agree with a dungeon complaint. This dungeon is the first one they've done where it's genuinely a step too far for a dungeon. It's clear this dungeon was designed to be a great contest mode dungeon, but not a great replayable dungeon. Unless you use the most optimal loadout and are one of those 5,000-10,000 hours players, each run of the dungeon is going to take at minimum 60 minutes even when you're competent at the mechanics. That's a long time for a dungeon. Dungeons used to be 30 minutes long, sometimes shorter when you got better. I genuinely wonder if this is the end for dungeons being dungeons and is now the beginning of dungeons being 3 man raids.



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            2 Risposte
            • [quote]So the new Dungeon is out and has symbols from VOW with the bloody hands wait that's called Worship, no wait Hive, no no its Give, ehh let me go outside the game and get my "destiny 2 raid guide 45 minute Rick Khackis video" up to check hmmmm better put these images up on a 3rd Monitor..... SMH and we have lenses to collect and move angles and light to send in 4 directions down hallways and through corners and a clock thing to rotate with those same symbols and tons of enemies attacking as we try and figure all this out and yeaaaahhhhhh right I find the direction the game is going in fascinating..... and NOT a smart business move by Bungie. Really tune & design all this content to the tiny elites, gone are the days of simple fun, or stand in circle and shoot, or even D1 shoot oracles in any order, now it's shoot oracles in the song order they spawn in and have teammate calling them out and if you shoot wrong order the whole team wipes and starts all over, SMH. I have thought for years Bungie should bring MORE players into the game, bring more along into these Dungeons and Raids by having more difficulty options and having less complex insane mechanics, maybe have optional added mechanics for other harder difficulties. I see all this as pushing more players away, I used to do dungeons and raids with friends BUT as each got harder, more mechanical, even the old reprised D1 raids we enjoyed just "had to be tweaked by Bungie so the day 1 race would be harder" and all my old D1 friends hated the new version D2 raids, it was too much added annoyance and difficulty. All my old D1 raid crew has quit, my friends in D2 that played Dungeons have gotten tired and frustrated, Vespers and Dual Destiny etc has led them to say they just can't be bothered. We used to laugh and play fun dungeons, they are NOT FUN anymore. Will Bungie CEOs, Execs, Devs, Designers, ANYONE that wants Bungie to retain, keep and grow players read this.....sadly no, they won't read this, they had decent numbers on twitch for people watching and they might think that's a win. BUT many players won't play it, let alone play it Weekly for fun, and many won't even beat it. Game is going more and more to a tiny elite. Streamers and Youtubers will say: "make a game for everyone and you make a game for NO one" BUT that's total BS !! Monopoly, Fortnite, Minecraft, countless games made to entertain as many as possible are massively successful with a HUGE audience. "make a game for only the elite and only a few elite will play and the masses won't and the game will fail in time" is the true reality.[/quote] I'm nowhere near elite and I did it. It really isn't that bad if you're passingly competent.



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              4 Risposte
              • Legit my only complaint about this dungeon is that dang door. The rest is a blast. The mechanics aren't crazy. Describe the images. I don't have their names memorized. I did have a reference pic up on a 2nd monitor tho..but wasn't even necessary since I could just semi describe it and my competent teammates were able to do the same and also understand. I mainly only had it for final encounter. Ad control is easy (on normal). every class has the ability to ad control and survive. I don't agree with OPs complaints..but meh, to each their own. Hope that some of you that instantly brush it off as another overly complicated mini-raid end up giving it another try. You're missing out... Or you're not.



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              • As long as players pay at least some money for addons and cosmetics, nothing will change. Only a complete lack of profit can force a capitalist to change his behavior.



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                • Well said sir. This is why there a few if any dedicated Destiny 2 content creators,as player falloff is so bad they are forced to stream other games . The d2 ship is sinking under the weight of tone deaf mismanagement, greed and indifference.



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                  • Totally agree. I think that activities that could be fun, are completely destroyed by modifiers and weird mechanics. I couldn't even do a solo The Nether. Unfortunately I don't see any good news in this regard in the future.



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                    • Modificato da Grim: 2/10/2025 5:59:09 PM
                      It's true, as much I want to enjoy this game It's just not for me anymore. It has finally devolved into that p!ssing contest that the streamers wanted so badly. All so they can brag about having no lives to people who just wanted to just play a game for fun. It's not fun anymore it's too sweaty but I'm still here cause f**k it there's not much else to do since most games these days suck anyway.



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                      • The dungeons obnoxious but it isnt the symbols that are the issue. Its the unnecessary effort to make it longer then needed to extend playtime, and the ad density that is ONLY husks and minibosses for the first 2 encounters. The symbols are easy as hell and the first encounter and second both generally tell you the symbol needed. (I soloed first encounter, took.about am hour and then quit at second because it was just too much ads for me to care)



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                      • 💯



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                      • Bungie raid and dungeon mechanics have almost always been overly complicated. I won’t disagree with that part. I only ever do new raids or dungeons “pseudo blind” where I go blind until we hit a wall that is just over complicated BS. The new dungeons first boss is a perfect example. Of course it makes sense when you learn what it is. But who in their right mind would figure that out on their own? Don’t even get me started on salvations edge. Cool aesthetic, fun lore, awesome themes. AWFUL to play and wouldn’t dream of having to teach it to someone. I made a flow chart for each encounter just so when I joined a group for my first clear I wasn’t just clueless. HOWEVER, there is an entire room in the new dungeon that shows you the symbol names. And even without the names you can still complete the encounters. I’ve done several raids where “two half circles touching each other” and “swirly light with a dark background” were the callouts.



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                      • [quote]So the new Dungeon is out and has symbols from VOW with the bloody hands wait that's called Worship, no wait Hive, no no its Give, ehh let me go outside the game and get my "destiny 2 raid guide 45 minute Rick Khackis video" up to check hmmmm better put these images up on a 3rd Monitor..... SMH[/quote] Why is the average forum burger incapable of realizing the official names for symbols is irrelevant unless doing the prophecy stuff. It’s not exactly a crazy big brain realization that you can just describe the image and people will know why you’re talking about. “Red square” Wow, look at that, you know what symbols I’m talking about without me having to say Stop. Crazy, I know.



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                        3 Risposte
                        • Guess I’m elite now. W’s in the chat.



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                          2 Risposte
                          • This is so sad lmao.



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                            • I did the first encounter and got bored. Honestly I prefer simple mechanics n this is more for raiders. It can be casual friendly if you have 2 Sherpa raiders on your team. I’ll eventually get around to completing it but for the moment could care less. Vespers was more fun n practical.



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                              • Modificato da Sylok, The Defiled!: 2/10/2025 8:26:01 AM
                                Vow symbols are present in: Vow of the Disciple (Vow/ VotD) Dual Destiny Sundered Doctrine Most of which are very self explanatory from the picture. And if Dual Destiny was Soloable......There wouldn't be any complaints since everyone would know the symbols by now... But the goal of Exotic Missions / Dungeons are to teach you raid mechanics or similar to get you better prepared to engage with raid content. (since it is a lot of work to make that content, for a very small fraction of the playerbase to really complete) Dungeons were marketed as "Mini raids"...Sundered Doctrine is the only one of its kind that actually feels like one. The other dungeons are less intense...(Vespers host kinda feels like a mini raid but doesn't fully cut it for me). [b]The only other example:[/b] That has a learning stair case is. DSC... [spoiler]Deep Stone Crypt mechanics are in: Deep Stone Crypt Exotic Mission (Orbital Station) Vesper's Host[/spoiler] The new dungeon is really good. It is very enjoyable (In a team of 3) & The 1st encounter is really enjoyable to do solo. Bungie has been making a gradual staircase to get beginners & casuals into the idea of approaching raid content. They have missed the mark, but the learning progression is there & it is one of the more intensive raids that Destiny has (because of all of the symbols), so it does explain why those activities are more communication based (Vow, Dual destiny, Sundered doctrine). But worry not, Vow & sundered doctrine have areas that help you learn the symbols :) Sundered Doctrine's area is behind the rally flag in 1st encounter (where the light is shining) Vow's area is past the introduction. SD's mechanics are also very easy...the dungeon even goes out of its way to teach you 2nd encounter... (3rd encounter leaves you high & dry though)



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                                4 Risposte
                                • I really dont believe the dunegon is only for elites, but it is not meant to be geared towards casual players either. thats not the intention of the activity. Lets not forget it is ENDGAME content keyword there that people tend to forget if you really dont want to learn the mechanics and complete a few tasks that really arent that tedious, then theres always nightfalls and gms for you.



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                                  5 Risposte
                                  • Ya it's a -blam!- show nothing positive on my part to say. I did like the last dungeon, nothing too over complicated in terms of puzzles an mechanics. Will probably give this dungeon a hard miss, after the stupid lense 1st encounter



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                                  • So people who can describe a picture/memorise the name of a symbol are “elite”? Get those double primaries off and put an exotic on, you’ll have a much easier time 💪🏼



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                                    5 Risposte
                                    • Just hate that stupid shoot door in the final boss room. It responds so inconsistently.



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