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Destiny 2

Discussioni su Destiny 2.
2/9/2025 4:04:47 PM

Enhancement Core material overflowing inventory space.

Enhancement Core is a legendary material that can currently be earned passively through completing a variety of different activities making them more of a common item than a legendary one. They are commonly used for upgrading weapons and armor. Currently the main issue with cores is that they take up inventory space under the "consumables" tab since unlike prisms and ascendant shards, they have no stack limit. You can have up to 999 cores per stack and these can't easily be deleted as you can only delete them 1 at a time. (since they are legendary materials it takes longer to "hold" delete them) There's also no easy way to spend them out side of exchanging them for other upgrade materials such as enhancement prisms which you will need to ultimately delete once it's full or run to a problem where you would exhaust glimmer for doing so. A short term solution to free up your consumables inventory from cores is to move them to your vault. You can also level up your crafted weapons which consume 5 cores at a time but it also costs glimmer so you will run out very quickly. With that said I have a couple of suggestions to solve this issue; -Allow them to stack indefinitely. (or limit the amount you can carry similar to prisms/shards) -Allow to delete per stack instead of 1 core at a time per stack. -Make them a main resource. (such as glimmer) -Use them as material exchange option for other resources. This is a very similar issue to legendary shards. It's probably not that big of a deal to anyone including myself but it's something worth considering especially when seasonal content often introduces multiple consumables.



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