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Destiny 2

Discussioni su Destiny 2.
2/13/2025 4:24:33 AM

Tormentors Need Adjusting

Not just a whine post, there are serious criticisms to be had with this terribly unbalanced, and often buggy unit. Here's a simple breakdown of their abilities • Suppression on every melee attack • Suppressing aerial directional slam that has a huge radius and often changes flight path in mid-float and mid-animation • Non-threatening, but nonetheless annoying Suppressing grab attack that is super inconsistent and is nearly always an instant death • Throws aimbot projectiles that curve around walls, ignore evasive actions, will travel across the map to hit players behind cover, and deal way too much damage for how often they are ejected • Creates aimbot projectile generator that has way too much health and duration (should always be a OHK takedown and last like 4 seconds max) • Tiny, concealable weakpoints that you must shoot to reliably and effectively defeat the unit, which are often hidden or difficult to hit due to its constant erratic spam • Non-stop rushing to players, if not spam throwing, making consistent damage even more difficult • Completely nullifies non-precision-based weapons and abilities and any melee type builds • Boss units are far too healthy, given the previous conditions Imo, none of these are necessarily unbalanced when set alone, and even a few together are pretty easily manageable, but cram a dozen different combat rules into one enemy type, and it becomes the problem that Tormentors are. Even as completely unfair as some units in this game are, there are usually ways to get around their bad design. But, the only way to get around Tormentors is to find some sort of glitch where they can't get close, and can't reliably hit you with their ranged attacks (like chasing them around a pillar, jumping up and down a ledge, or hiding behind several barriers). This is universally the case with this specific enemy unit in particular, and it needs to change urgently. Tormentors should actually be challenging to fight if done correctly, instead of just being Suppression slam spamming decapitated chickens



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  • For Nether at least on Explore mode, the boss guy can be killed in a hilarious cheese revolving around sliding with Stasis Drive, Solar Drive, and Arc Runner. Guns are only necessary to break his shoulders, after that keep sprinting doing 180s and sliding at his face. It takes awhile but you shouldn't die as occasionally a healing orb can spawn from a Stasis Crystal and you have two backup jars hidden around for free health. For greater survivability the overshield from healing orbs upgrade-token at the start really helps. tl-dr: Stasis-slide works on Tormentors.



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