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Destiny 2

Discussioni su Destiny 2.
2/16/2025 2:57:02 AM

Ionic Sentry does not progress bounties

I want to mention if it hasn't been reported yet that Ionic Sentry does not progress bounties that require ability kills. (Example from where I noticed: The Throne World daily bounty for abilities kills called "Very Distracting") Probably on the low priority to fix for Ionic Sentry since there is so many ways to get ability kills, but might as well report it. Sorry I do not have video or images to provide.



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  • Modificato da Soul_Eater_42: 2/16/2025 5:15:54 AM
    It's been bugged since the Episode started. It doesn't count as an ability for anything except discharging a full stack of Bolt Charge. Bungie is aware of this, and will be working on fixing it. Hopefully it doesn't end up taking a month or 2 to fix.



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