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6/19/2013 4:40:49 PM

This Girl I'm Seeing Barely Talk to me Anymore, HELP!

This girl started talking to me about a year ago via Skype. First it was just chatting and she messaged me every once in a while. After a couple months she wanted to Skype so I Skyped with her while I played video games (we're both in high school). She was good company and I thought she was a cool person, but not a lover. Also, she was in a relationship. They had been going out for about 7-8 months when their relationship starting going sour. I'd help her through her hard time when they'd fight and she lost interest in her boyfriend long before they ended up breaking up. After 11 months of going out, they break up. I realize around this time that she really wants me and because she's really flirty. She messages me almost every day and we Skype almost every day. She told me she has liked me for about 8 months. About a week later we hit it off and make out at the movies. On another occasion we hook up again. Now, about a month in, we went to the movies and she acted very weird. She wanted to sit next to her best friend and not me. She'd barely try to make conversation and would barely talk to me. She had almost her entire back turned toward me most of the movie. It's been a week and a half since then and we haven't Skyped since, she messages me every couple of days and we talk for a good 10 minutes before she stops answering. I keep asking her if anything is wrong and she says no. I told her I think she's ignoring me and she said she's been really busy because her best friend is moving out 2 days from now. She says that I shouldn't think that and she says she hasn't turned her back on me, or that she doesn't think so. Also, I know for a fact her friend is moving out in 2 days because I know her. What happened? Is that a proper excuse? Why haven't we Skyped like before? Her closest friends are the girl that's moving away and me, so why doesn't she message me anymore? She is an introvert and almost never makes new friends or socializes, so I don't think she's seeing other guys. She also has a cheating parent and has suffered through a lot, so I don't think she'd cheat on someone. Also she used to cut and she is very insecure. She has lots of personal problems. What do I do? I want to hang out with her again, but I feel like she doesn't want me anymore because of how she acted at the movies. Should I hang out with her and ask her in person. We're not going out (she said she wants to be single for a while) so I don't want to seem clingy. Also she said shee would tell me if she got with someone else.



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  • Been going through the same thing OP. Got close to a girl and talked to her all the time, supported her and was there for her and then suddenly the texts stop, the communication gets awkward and over time we have drifted apart and haven't spoken for about a month. Funny how things change, and in the end friends end up as strangers again.



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  • You already seem clingy. The solution is simple. Wait a few years so you're not twelve anymore.



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  • I notice it went bad not long after you made out at the movies. Obviously you're incredibly shit at kissing



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  • -sigh- Nerds and their lady problems... You overreact more than your female counterpart does.



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  • You are clingy, and she doesn't like you anymore.



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  • I think you were the fall guy. She was so stressed after her breakup and she needed someone to be with her. She didn't really have feelings for you. Sorry, I've had it happen to me too.



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  • If women were more open men wouldn't have these problems



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  • Modificato da Forever Berg: 8/10/2013 7:39:52 PM
    Just wait for her to come to you and if she doesn't then let her go. Trust me, I made the mistake of becoming too dependent on a girl before, it's terrible. And you were the rebound



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  • She likes someone else sorry



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  • sadly, she has found another man.



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  • Yo bro you should totally record getting a no-scope in Halo 2 online multiplayer, make a montage out of that one shot, and play Linkin Park's "Crawling in my skin" in the background. Any lady would immediately swoon over you if they see this on youtube, so make sure your "lucky lady" is the only one who sees it.



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    1 Rispondi
    • [quote]I Skyped with her while I played video games[/quote] I stopped reading right there. Are you a -blam!-ing idiot? If a girl takes the time time to talk to you - YOU DO NOT PLAY VIDEO GAMES.



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    • Modificato da Studness4: 6/19/2013 5:40:48 PM
      She's bored of your ass. When you are with her flip the tables on her, act disinterested, talk as if another girl is interested in you that's much prettier than her. Trigger her jealousy and insecurity. Gotta play the game, brah.



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      3 Risposte
      • If you really want her, let her go. And if she comes back, then there you have it. It's worked for me. And it's a pretty common thing, idk if anyone else agree's. Just letting her go can help though.



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        3 Risposte
        • Maybe she wants to spend time with her friend before she moves but don't worry dude I know you can get her back :)



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        • As a people person and an advice giver you can do two things. wait for her friend to move and see how she acts or find a friend you can hang out to pass the time until she wants to hang out or whatever you two do. Or as a third option that may get you stabbed get an actual girl friend. I was once in a close relationship with a girl not girl friend boy friend status but pretty close. give her time thats what I gave the girl I kinda liked sorta. and if she still doesnt answer you or avoids you oh well just move on.



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        • Modificato da Golden MERA: 6/30/2013 3:35:07 AM
          Er....maybe she just wants to spend time with her friend before she moves out? If my friend was moving out I would want to spend as much time with him/her as possible. Seems totally plausible. If she keeps her distance after said friend has moved out....then there may be a strain on your relationship. Being clingy and constantly asking if everything is ok does not help though. She may get a bit creeped out or think of you as obsessed and clingy. Just wait it out and if this continues confront (ask) her about it.



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        • I could honestly be the fact that one of her few friends is moving away. That could have her depressed and be the reason she didn't sit next to you that one time. Really all you can do, and should do, is just give it time and don't change who you are or what you do. Just be that same person that she liked when she told you she liked you and make sure she knows you're there. If she says she's busy just believe that, move on, and just be you.



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        • OP, my advice to you is to just wait it out. Taking any further action might be like kicking a beehive; you DON'T want to do it. If something is wrong, she will eventually tell you. Good luck and Godspeed.



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        • Get that bitch a cannon!



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          1 Rispondi
          • Dude, if you feel like she's trying to create some space between you two, let her have her space. Why don't you try hanging out with people who actually want hang out with you instead of worrying about why she doesn't want to?



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          • It sounds like she's either gone off you or is playing hard to get. Really depends on the girl. Keep trying. Don't be a little bitch about it, just take charge. Ask her on a date and stop bringing up all this "r u avoiding me ur relly hurting my feeligns" crap -- it just makes you look like a pansy. It'll iron out itself.



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            1 Rispondi
            • Lol this is fake rite?!



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              1 Rispondi
              • Stop being a clingy fag you dumb piece of shit. If she hasn't already lost interest (she probably has), you're freaking her out with your bullshit.



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                1 Rispondi
                • Go on as normal, it'll work itself out on it's own. If not, slap her like a real man would, and proceed to assert your dominance in her nether regions.



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                • Modificato da Alucard: 6/19/2013 11:19:59 PM
                  Suck her blood and turn her into a draculina. A very... very... sexy Draculina... I mean REALLY -blam!-ING SEXY! I mean really, I would -blam!- the red right out of those eyes! I'm done now...



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