A very simple and straightforward question. Do you personally believe that the Republican party (or Conservatives) is a fundamentally, by definition, racist, sexist, and homophobic one?
Thank you and please discuss.
Plenty of Liberals are just self righteous propaganda spreading idiots. I know its not appropriate here but I was watching some TYT videos and needed to vent. Sorry
Logic: Republicans are racist. 25% of Americans are Republicans[1]. Therefore, 25% of Americans are racist. [1] [url]http://www.gallup.com/poll/166763/record-high-americans-identify-independents.aspx[/url] Who thinks this is true? 1 in 4 people that you will encounter as of today are racist, if the statement that "Republicans are racist" is true.
Retardedpublicans Democrackaddicts
Answer is a flat-out "nope". And if someone actually thinks that's the case, then they're a -blam!-ing moron of the highest caliber and completely and totally retarded....same as anyone who thinks something like all Liberals/Democrats are nothing but socialist/communists out to throw out every freedom Americans have and destroy the Constitution and the country.
If you think this is true you are just stupid in the head and should go fall into a pit of poisonous spiders. Who freed the slaves? Lincoln(Republican) Who was for segregation and black beatings in the south? Eugene "Bull" Connor(Democrat) I win get your facts before you speak. Unless of course you like to be an ignorant full.
They haven't modernized... People forget just how racist the Democratic party used to be.. I am looking at you, Woodrow Wilson.
Conservatives are about as inherently racist as Liberals are about as inherently Communist.
Modificato da UnbannedMan 94: 2/26/2014 2:06:02 AMIf you say that the GOP's platform is racist/sexist/homophobic then you must also believe that all Democrats are Marxists.
Modificato da Gaara444: 2/26/2014 12:42:49 AM[quote]Fundamentally: essentially, in essence, basically, at heart, at bottom, deep down,[/quote] >Be me >Be registered Republican >None of these things apply to me IRL Let it be known that 14 people on here hold the view that you are racist/sexist/homophobic if you don't agree with their specific views.
No, it is what you call a Liberal Conspiracy. Each side has there own about the other.
everyone who voted yes is an idiot brainwashed person.
Anyone who does, needs to lay off the msnbc propaganda.
Fundamentally, the Republican party is not bigoted. Lincoln was a Republican, after all. The current leadership of the party and its current political leanings, however, are frequently racist, sexist, and homophobic, and as long as they keep winning elections because of those views, they won't change.
Probably, but an equally good question is, are all liberals fundamentally weeded-out hippies trying to take your hard-earned money and give it to those who haven't worked a day in their life?
I doubt the real leaders of either party see race as much more than a tool to manipulate people with. Republicans use race and xenophobia to give weight to their (or should I say their lobbyist's) belief that we should continue to spend massive amounts of money on defense, regardless of whether or not that actually increases our safety. Democrats throw money and citizenship at racial minorities, and then have the audacity act like it's out of the goodness of their hearts (and not say, buying votes). Relevant Quote: I'll have those [n*****s] voting Democratic for the next 200 years. -Lyndon B. Johnson In politics, race is a gimmick that will keep the easily-manipulated running in circles for years to come.
[quote]Probably, but an equally good question is, are all liberals fundamentally weeded-out hippies trying to take your hard-earned money and give it to those who haven't worked a day in their life?[/quote]
Modificato da MoReCoWbELLx2x1: 2/28/2014 2:18:31 AM#Guaranteedreplies
All of your politicians are
I'll just leave this here http://images.sodahead.com/profiles/0/0/1/6/8/8/3/5/1/two-platforms-9177519612.jpeg Abe Lincoln was a republican.
No. The "Tea Party" splinter group however...
The ideas behind what makes a Republican/ conservative are not inherently prejudiced towards women or minority groups... But a staggering amount of their leadership [i]are[/i], and that has attracted like-minded people to the party.
The Republican party in general? Not necessarily. Social conservatives/Tea Party? Absolutely.
Considering some of their platform...
Modificato da SecondClass: 4/6/2014 6:04:35 AM[i]Obviously[/i]