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Modificato da Oneironaut: 3/1/2014 4:06:42 AM

A walk in the rain

So, I woke up late (as per usual) and noticed that it was still cold and windy with a little bit of rain and suddenly I thought to myself, "It's a pretty nice day, I think I'll go for a walk." so I got dressed, put on my rainbow beanie, grabbed my jacket and went out. The weather, while shitty to some, was very pleasant to me. Pants got a little wet, but that's 'kay. Left side of jacket was soaked, but no water got in the hole that is under the arm. Hands were a little cold, but it was all good. I had muh tunes and mother nature bitch slapping me with her icy breath. I felt good and mildly happy. Everything was all good until I was making my way back home. One of the main roads I had to pass through became significantly more flooded than it was when I first passed through. No worries though, the sidewalk was still traversable and fortunately for me, the drivers on the road were kind enough to slow down or pass through at a speed where their waves wouldn't reach me. That is until some deplorable citizen decided that he would speed up right as he was passing me, creating a four and a half foot wave of dirty water that rushed at me. I turned to the side and jumped like a little girl whilst the words "You mother-blam!-er" promptly escaped my mouth. I turned around to see the driver slowing down as he got to the more shallow area of the flooded street. At that point, I knew he did it on purpose 'cause the stop light ahead was still green and he wasn't making a turn so there was no reason to slow down. I gave him the one finger salute and continued on my way. Along the way my hands became cold and stiff, turning purple even though I had been shielding them from the cold ghostly wind and angel tears. I accredit this to having been drenched with water by that kind driver who surely must have thought I was feeling a bit hot, what with two shirts, a jacket and a beanie on... By the time I got home, I could barely move my hands and my bladder was some how full. I struggling to take my shoes off, I considered asking my sister for help, but decided not to. Once they were off, I rushed to the bathroom and turned on the hot water, but my hands weren't ready yet so I drained my bladder and took off my wet clothes while I waited for the water to warm... [spoiler]TL;DR I went for a walk, some asshole splashed me (first time it has happened actually) my hands were like cold rocks and for sone reason I had to pee very badly on the way back. For sake of conversation or whatever, post stories of walks you've taken or a time some douche splashed you (or possibly a time you splashed someone). Or just post whatever you want... Blog post is bloggy.[/spoiler]



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