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Modificato da Bistromathics: 5/6/2014 6:37:45 PM

The states most dependent on federal aid

[url=]For my money, one of the more interesting maps appearing recently came from the personal-finance website Wallet Hub. Analysts there set out to determine how states compare in terms of their reliance on federal funding. The states deemed "most dependent" by the analysis are bright red on the map, those "least dependent" are bright green.[/url] (The map is interactive in the article.) [quote]Part of the explanation for why southern states dominate the “most dependent” category is historical. During the many decades in the 20th century when the South was solidly Democratic, its congressional representatives in both the House and the Senate, enjoying great seniority, came to hold leadership positions on powerful committees, which they used to send federal dollars back to their home states in the form of contracts, projects, installations. Another part of the explanation is easier to discern. The reddest states on that map at the top—Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana, New Mexico, Maine—have exceptionally high poverty rates and thus receive disproportionately large shares of federal dollars. Through a variety of social programs, the federal government disburses hundreds of billions of dollars each year to maintain a “safety net” intended to help the neediest among us. Consider, for example, the percentage of each state’s residents who get “food stamps” through the federal government’s SNAP program. ... [b]Alternatively, we could use the "state dependency" map as an opportunity to reflect on a different paradox—the longstanding role of the far-away federal government as an agent of community. Because of federal programs, people in places like South Carolina and Mississippi are getting a helping hand not from their neighbors a few blocks away or in the next county over, but from residents of Delaware, Minnesota, Illinois, and Nebraska. Whether you like that idea depends, in part, on how you personally reconcile the tension between two long-cherished, core American values—our passion for individualism and our regard for community—and whether you see "community" as encompassing the whole country. [/b] That's a far more interesting thing to think about (though perhaps less viscerally satisfying) than which states are moochers or freeloaders and which are getting fleeced. [/quote] [url=]Source.[/url]



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  • You're welcome Southern folk. Don't worry, we'll do our best to keep you alive while you figure out how pull yourselfs up by your bootstraps, as you are so fond of telling us is a thing people do.



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  • Yeah, I've known this for a while. It always makes me laugh that many Republicans are against welfare and yet the predominately Republican states are the ones that need it the most.



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    4 Risposte
    • Ha ha -blam!-ing red states who cry the most about about welfare are the biggest leeches in the nation. Eat shit, Deep South. You can complain when you pay for your own bridges.



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    • More military bases More agriculture Two examples that cost a lot of money, which the southern states get. And federal aid to states =/= federal aid to welfare and government assistance. Both are two different things that do not represent irony in any way. Republicans want less wasteful spending and last I checked, the military isn't wasteful. It's kinda of a necessity to protect the country from foreign invaders Oh, and state like Florida are blue since that's how the voted in the last presidential election So: Florida Virginia Vermont Maine Oregon New Mexico Maryland Those are all blue states currently, which all take in more money than they get from the feds



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    • [quote]Whether you like that idea depends, in part, on how you personally reconcile the tension between two long-cherished, core American values—our passion for individualism [/quote] Pffffffffffffff. Unfortunately, the idea of Individualism died long ago. The idea of letting a man keep to himself is scary to people because they personally can't see themselves do it. No, it's much easier to force the other core value on him and pretend the first doesn't exist. I challenge you to go to any politically active individual and claim you want to live independently, 9/10 times they'll call you batshit insane.



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    • how ironic



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    • >looks at map >mostly republican states that bitch about welfare and public assistance surprise level: 0



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      3 Risposte
      • Federal AIDS? Wtf is that?



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        • 0
          *zero surprise here at all*



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