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8/1/2014 1:12:59 AM

So, the House of Representatives just decided to sue Obama.

[url=]Article here.[/url] What makes this funny is that the most staunch conservatives are pretty much calling the House stupid for doing something like this. These staunch conservatives are calling for Obama's impeachment (Yet they have no real grounds to do so yet), and they are against their own representing party for this. A very big dose of irony. Most legal analysts are pretty much neutral ground on this or against it as well. Democrats, well, that's self-explanatory. Apparently, after perusing the article, the main reason why they want to sue Obama is for "overstepping his bounds", AKA, doing Congress's work since they are in constant gridlock and nothing is ever happening. [url=]Obama's response to Congress for being in constant gridlock[/url]. Opinions on this?



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