I've tried Crucible over and over. My friends tell me it's fun, and that you have to get use to it, but they're playing as Warlocks and Hunters. I'm constantly being wrecked by players, that are mostly Hunters and Warlocks. Even thinking about it, I don't really see that many Titans in the Crucible. The Titan abilities seem to only really work in defense, even the Striker Subclass. Is any other Titan just getting destroyed out there? I'm good at games like Halo and Battlefield, and I'll admit, I'm not great at Crucible, but this is out of control! Does anyone feel the same? Are Titans a weaker PvP class?
Titans got the short end of the stick, bad class exotics like immobius, like really who would come at a tian with a shot gun with ano overshield, they need to buff immobius and fabian strategy Tit answer don't have 1 hit kill abilities like the other classes, they don't get a freakin overshield on a melee hit (warlocks) and theyre names require loads of skill, like the warlocks names require no skill, all you do is throw the axion bolt and it does everything for you, titans get bad crappy perks for their subclasses , so really just buff titans, oh wait 1 more thing, stromcallers can kill supersomeone with landfall then vaporize evryone
Indeed I feel your pain, because Bungie mentioned they fixed the punching bug yet I still miss my melee attacks when in close quarters. Being that hunters and warlocks can one hit Titans, seems a bit unfair too since a charged melee at least for me cannot one hit kill other players.
Nope titans suck. In pvp always have and will be in crucibal
I Main a Titan and I'm good at it because the titan seems to rely on more of a close range deal with ALL sub-classes! Striker has shoulder charge-close range, juggernaut (gives that energy shield while running)-its meant to get you into close range distance. Then the rest of the skills are meant to augment fist of havoc with distance increasing abilities and survival while using fist of havoc. which doesnt matter because bungie gave everyone the conspiracy theory-D shotgun which has GODLY range so to even try and get close is just asking to die! When you really think about it Fist of Havoc doesn't really get many abilities in that subclass that doesn't just increase the distance of fist of havoc or augment it with a pulse or shock-wave. Yea the grenades are amazing but good players will see it and blow it up with a bullet. then what? you just wasted a grenade! Yea i know "armamentarium" lets keep exotics out of this argument because every other class has better exotics then the titan! The titans best exotic IS the armamentarium! Defender titans do have the suppressor grenade but thats pretty much it! everything in that subclass is to augment the actual ward of dawn with a shorter cooldown or longer life. then the rest effect the force barrier which doesnt work because you have to actually KILL the enemy unlike the warlock and half the time i punch someone then they die but because of lag i die too and it counts as a postmortem so it uses my barrier although im already dead because bungie! Just look at that entire skill tree! Its actually really lack luster! and as i said suppressor is great and so is magnet but if the only good thing about the titan is the grenades then something needs to change. Then theres the sunbreaker which was a powerhouse! but now that all the warlocks and hunters complained its now been nerfed so hard that i can barely kill more then 3-4 guys without either being sniped or shotguned in one shot! while the storm caller uses landfall (its a freaking fist of havoc attack!!!!! how cheap is that!!?!) to kill its attacker then go on to vaporize the rest of the team with chain lightning! And once again all of the sunbreaker titans abilities are all focused on the actual super attack instead of versatility! kill someone with a fire attack to increase your reload speed...seriously? thats a skill. when i am using my HAMMERS i get faster reload? on what!? MY HAMMER!? yes the melee and grenade count as a fire special but the sunbreakers melee isn't an instant kill in crucible and the only grenade thats garenteed to kill is the fusion grenade and thats IF it sticks! The sunsinger has DoT abilities that turn all of its attacks into burn attacks, it gets an over shield, increased defense, can have an extra grenade, and even FORCE an enemy back for some distance! Voidwalker gets bloom, ability tracking, bigger explosions from ALL abilities, the power to give all abilities energy drain (it regenerates grenades faster) and even augment the super entirely! it can be a cannon, an AoE field or a triple bomb and all can track if you want it to! Then stormcaller gives you abilities like, longer melee (Btw warlocks have the longest melee in the game and now its even LONGER!) chain lightning, then abilities like; when you kill with melee your grenades charge faster and when you kill with nades your melee charges faster. Then an ability that when your near your team mates you regen your super faster and cause an AoE field around yourself when your super is active. And lets not forget transcendence; if you have full grenade and melee your super lasts like 3 times longer! AND IT DOESN'T TAKE YOUR NADES AND MELEE AWAY! you keep all that after you leave your all mighty super. Gunslingers get a hitscan super with heavy aim assist! you just need to graze your foe and they are dead! instantly! only a titan with max armor or a ramlock can survive it! Its got stat increasing abilities that make you reload and gain stablility for each headshot and in crucible everyone is aiming for the head! you can pick up ammo crates and gain massive melee/grenade ability cooldown, or more throwing knives, even to burn your target with a throwing knife so they cant heal behind cover! Blade Dancer gets invisibility, the ability to regen super energy with each kill. you can even regen life with each melee or super kill; the titan has something similar but its only with storm fist!!!! blink strike gets the ability to regen your melee in about 3 seconds instead of the normal 25-1:20 everyone else has to wait! so its actually eaasy to blink strike then blink strike again moments after and heal along with using your super. but the titan cant because its only if the actualy lightning POWER of the fist kills not the normal melee! And both hunters and warlocks get BLINK! the cheapest move in all of this game and i call it cheap because the titan doesnt have it! you can blink a grenade off your body or escape instant kill moves like the fist of havoc! all the while the titan is forced to jump! Then nightstalker is the most versatile subclass! its got two grenades! smoke makes your enemy become blinded and slowed and takes damage all the while you can throw another grenade while they are stuck to garentee a kill or hold them there for another class to kill! shadestep is probably the most unfair ability in the fact that you can dodge most attacks and there is a small window of invincibility which i have had the misfortune to fist of havoc and die too! You gain increased tracking and radar along with having a super that stays out on the field even when you DIE! what happens to a ward of dawn when a titan dies? OH! it vanishes! but a hunters special stays up for your teammates to reap the rewards! thats fair right!? considering ward of dawn can be destroyed by every super in the game except nightstalker and sunsinger! I made my favorite class sound terrible...the titans subclasses are good but you must understand that most of the abilities augment and change the SUPER! unlike the hunter and warlock who get throwing knives, shade step, overshield just by meleeing someone and not killing them, the ability to bloom with ANY void attack as compared to the titans explosive pyre which once again; only works IF ITS A HAMMER! which is your super! So you must rely more on your own SKILL with guns and the split moment you have your super. i shoulder charge a lot of people, i can fist of havoc a lot of people! But most of my kills come from skill with my gun. and im NOT a bad player! i go between 20-30 kills per match! im 90% of the time on the top of the match with the highest points! From what i learned from playing a titan is that skill means everything! Titan may not be the class for you in PvP but its amazing in PvE!
Bro, just use Sunbreaker. Sunbreaker is a pretty powerful sub-class and I do well with it, crucible included. I highly recommend this, even though bungie nerfed it's super a little bit.
Yes, Titans are the most screwed over when it comes to the Crucible. Hunters with both Bladedancer(Aka Lagdancer) and Gunslinger out do us 9 times out of 10. I say us because I also mainly run Titan striker in PvP. Supers.. voidwalker Warlock and striker Titan are on par, blinking hunter and Warlock have us beat(mainly because they spam with shotguns). Grenades, majority are better because they are one hit kills or have burns that do not allow healing. I don't feel I need to add more to this.
I'm a hunter but i do have a warlock and a Titan and I must say Titans aren't really a PVP class (they're not bad but they are hard to use unless you main a Titan), while they do have somethings going for them, there isn't enough with the current subclasses to make things equal. That's why I have a ton of respect for Titans that do well in the crucible (especially Defender Titans!!!) Anyways you Titans rock!!!
Titans are ment to be a challenge in pvp anm i right?
I scored to Unbrokens over the last 2 days with my Titan, Titan skating has made it really fun to use. It's easy to get some distance between you and a shotgunner so you can TLW him down or snipe primary users. Dodging supers is also relatively easy barring Arc Blade and GG.
[quote]I've tried Crucible over and over. My friends tell me it's fun, and that you have to get use to it, but they're playing as Warlocks and Hunters. I'm constantly being wrecked by players, that are mostly Hunters and Warlocks. Even thinking about it, I don't really see that many Titans in the Crucible. The Titan abilities seem to only really work in defense, even the Striker Subclass. Is any other Titan just getting destroyed out there? I'm good at games like Halo and Battlefield, and I'll admit, I'm not great at Crucible, but this is out of control! Does anyone feel the same? Are Titans a weaker PvP class?[/quote] Use Striker Titan with Lightning Grenades and Armormentarium. You rek skrubs
Titans are not the weakest, but they're certainly the most disadvantaged. Both subclasses for both warlocks and hunters can be deadly in crucible, hunters especially. Defenders are the most disadvantaged of all; who in their right mind thought it was a good idea to have every other super (other than radiance and another bubble) outdo a ward of dawn?! Voidwalkers can bomb the bubble, strikers can smash the bubble, gunslingers can shoot the bubble, and Bladedancers can do their annoying shockwave thingy that travels straight through the bubble. If any class is worthy of a PvP buff, it's defender. On the other hand though, striker is a very powerful PvP class, and all titans have great grenades.
I do i'm thinking of making a new warlock and yes titans are weaker in crucible
Armamenterium with lightning grenades are deadly as -blam!-. I get triples and quadruples with my grenades only with my Titan. Not to mention the jetpack they have. You can fly very fast.
Modificato da St. 14's Wild Ride: 6/10/2015 1:27:34 PMUse different weapons. Odds are your using weapons that your not actually any good with. For instance, I can really use auto rifles, I've been MvP with a hard light (did a poll, most people believe the gun is poor). Secondly, Titans are not underpowered. You are death. A FoH will destroy anything, and your bubble with increased defense inside makes you an unplayable tank. Don't care about people trashing you for using easy weapons either, the main goal is to have fun, and unless your a masochist, dying doesn't count as fun in my book. Edit: noticed I said the defender is an unplayable tank... Brain, what were you thinking... I meant invincible or something similar to that. Gonna keep the mistake though because I find it funny.
No Titans are just fine in the Crucible. Most of the time I at least break positive and more often than not I'm in the top three in my team
Try maxing your armor and agility. I think the codexs for that set up is two and six. Run lightning grenades always. Pulse isn't bad but the damage from lightning is godly. Flash bangs suck. Run armormentarium. Abilities wise I use unstoppable or shoulder charge. Then always run the node that makes you grenades and aftermath last longer. Unless you are just shoulder charging then run the one that activates regen on melee or charge kill. I use increased control or catapult. This takes some time to get used to because you lose a good bit of height. Last I use shockwave always. That reach out and touch someone is nice. I know aftermath is good for control. But who needs control when they are all dead. Am I right? That is just my stricter build. My defender one use magnetic grenade, the bottom melee mode, armor of light, and go for the wod duration and cool down. Use the same jump. That's my build it may work for you it may not. I also use hawkmoon. Wah wah I know people complain but I like it is good move along. Mostly get your gun game and map awareness up. Know where heads will line up around corners know the main paths and strats. Hope that helps. It may not but it might spark something for you. Lastly you will get killed by more hunters and locks because there are more of them in pvp.
I wouldn't say that, recently I've been getting like 2.0 and 3.0 kds on my titan, I use thorn so that may be a hint to why, and I'm not a shoulder charge guy, I use it to dodge golden gun and fusion rifle shots!
No man I literally go positive like every game in Crucible as my Titan. I'm a main Titan so using him is the easiest thing in the world. But I did used to suck with in the crucible as a Titan until endless grinding in Iron Banner forced me to get better.
Play warlock it's the easiest class in destiny as a whole pve or pvp. I play hunter as a main and have since the beta. I made a warlock a few months back and that whole class just feels like easy mode. Both subclasses.
I can never end up with a positive KD with my titan, i play like ass whenever i use it, BUT i do have fun using em lol, shoulder charging everything, fist of panic ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Titan is my worst character by far but for some reason we went 9-0 in TOO when I used him
Step 1: Equip shoulder charge Step 2: Equip buff where you regent health after a kill with shoulder charge Step 3: Join a crucible match Step 4: Sprint Step 5: Mash melee button Step 6: Profit
Shoulder charging everything in sight is incredible. Titan is my favorite class for pvp
Lol lighting grenades strongly disagree with you
i know i just suck at the game so i die more often from warlocks and titans idk why warlocks are the worst to me because Bungie layered on so much bullshit its not even funny