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Discussioni su Destiny.
Modificato da Kai Gremory: 11/10/2014 2:42:00 PM

The REAL Story Behind Destiny

We are the darkness/evil traveler


We can't be evil


Other theory about a backwards story -insert below-


The truth about the traveler... So what if the traveler was evil and we are the darkness and what we have been told are lies, because they obviously don't have time to explain why they don't have time to explain. Think about it, when ever we kill an enemy they drop light or glimmer. Shouldn't they drop darkness or something related to that? Also, if you do the strike on Venus, you will hear the Archon Priest say something MIND BLOWING (in a very distorted voice) if you get close enough to him. Prepare your anus. Archon Priest: "The Darkness is here!" Wuuuut? So, just a theory. Let me know what you guys think. Are we the darkness? Do the fallen believe they are the good guys? Or were they sent to fight the darkness? In Bacon We Trust



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