This popular new sniper exotic rifle, seems to have a lot of people frustrated with this gun and for good reason too.
I recently was awarded this sniper rifle after killing Crota with my buddies on the new raid. Least to say I was very excited when I realized I looted an exotic sniper that can be used in.. what?! Your primary slot? Yes this amazing WWII themed bolt action rifle can be used in my primary slot! Cool weapon right? Except for that it's stats are broken. Mistreated, worthless, annoying. Some harsh words but very emphasized to describe the actual performance of this gun... Bungie... why? Didn't you just, fix, all of the old exotics? Didn't you learn your lesson not to make broken guns? This gun has a bolt action feature which is, actually really fun and cool, except it fires to the extent of the speed of a tank cannon (slow) and does nowhere near the damage of an average legendary, no RARE sniper rifle. I TESTED THIS FOLKS. This exotic beauty does less damage when it says it does more. Hey bungie? Can you stop making really cool guns worthless? That'd.. be awesome. Anyone else use this gun? It's very fun to use! But also very disappointing when it comes to delivery time. Reminds me of an old company that used to make a sweet FPS that everyone loved.. hmm.. THOUGHTS? Why does this gun suck? It needs a patch.
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