Right then you bunch of f*ck wits, tonight is the happening of the raid... We have spoke about doing one but haven't had the time to actually get our shit together,
So tonight at 6:30pm we will start a raid if we haven't got a right number of people we will postpone until 7pm for the more suitable timing,
We shall be doing the raid in normal first off, as many of the clan would like the Fatebringer hand cannon, so we shall do a run though on normal,
Then we shall do a run through on hard mode, which we would prefer everyone to be level 30 and above for,
The roster for this raid is for now :
Normal -
DaanMorse - Raid Leader
Hard Mode -
DaanMorse - Raid Leader
P.S - Some of the clan is from New Zealand and they are 13 hours ahead of us, so it will be about 7:30am - 8am.
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