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Discussioni su Destiny.
Modificato da Jeff the Cabal: 3/13/2015 6:55:19 PM

why do hunters have gjallarhorns...

So in the grimore, gjallarhorn is built and forged from the armor of those who have fallen in the battle of twilight gap. In the the battle of twilight gap, hunters refuse to go into battle. It was only warlocks and Titans... And gjallarhorn is a weapon that is meant to be gifted to the survivors of the battle of twilight gap... So why do hunters have the reward if they didn't contribute? The hunter's leader gave order to retreat early in the battle. Some hunters still fought though. EDIT: no hate against hunters.. But I just found this a bit interesting EDIT: I have read this somewhere in the grimore. If I find it again I will tell you EDIT: Ana was the only Hunter who agreed to go into war EDIT: this is just a fun small little post about a little topic I found a bit interesting. Nothing serious guys. EDIT: can some people not read that I have a hunter and I have a gjallarhorn? EDIT: did a bit more research. MOST hunters refused to. Not [i]all[/i]



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  • Modificato da Dredgen Lore: 2/27/2015 11:28:23 AM
    From the grimoire- During the desperation of the twilight gap battle, the vanguards' most powerful guardians were summoned to defend the entrance to one of the last remaining civilian evacuation zones. For 120 hours the golden age's most valiant guardians fought and died as they attempted to hold off the overwhelming siege. Recognizing the "grim reality" of this ill fated battle an order of hunters refused to fight and under the command of Cayde-6 disobeyed the vanguard's orders and retreated into the city of illuminatum where they aided the citizens in their exodus to the last city. Upon the the successful evacuation of humanity's last large scale civilian population the hunters took up defensive positions. When the forces of darkness inevitably overcame the remaining guardians on the front lines and pushed through the twilight gap into the city they met these same hunters. Here they halted the darkness and survived for six days waging an apache resistance against the legions of hive, vex, and fallen who'd come to collect Earth's greatest resource. In an attempt to buy the people time and to honor the sacrifice of their lost comrades these hunters fought without mercy, and without remorse. Seeking out their enemies and systematically destroying them. On the seventh day the legions of darkness were forced to retreat. It's because of Cayde-6 and what would later become referred to as "the Wolfpack" that the grief and horror of the twilight gap wasn't the end of humanity. That's why hunters have Gjallarhorns and that's why Gjallarhorns have "Wolfpack" rounds young guardian.



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    177 Risposte
    • A Hunter got Bambi's mother using Patience and Time.



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      1 Rispondi
      • Warlock/Titan master race



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      • We have to to kick ***



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      • I stole it from a chest.... Stupid gorgons need to watch their shit better.



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      • Hunters were to small to fight. A single punch in the crotch would leave a hunters ovaries broken. They are rewarded because (this is fact and well documented by master Rahool) when the battle was going on, because they were unable to fight, they cooked and cleaned. They gave back massages and some were known to dress up as women and conducted dance routines as entertainment. To this day every Hunter has a camel toe. This camel toe helps in pvp. As many opponents are distracted when the camel toe is seen. Giving the small Hunter enough time to stab, go invisible, and run to safety.



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      • But one of the hunter cloaks that speaker sells was worn by a hubter at twilight gap



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        1 Rispondi
        • I've noticed that every Hunter I've played with on Crota has had ghorn. [u]every one, literally.[/u] most of the time they are running sword anyway . Another reason I think the RNG system isn't purely random.



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        • Hunter is the most fun to play. Nuff said [spoiler]Queue Hate against Hunters:[/spoiler] [spoiler]I got all 3 you got nothing on me[/spoiler]



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          1 Rispondi
          • Lol. You think we retreated. [spoiler]we were invisible the whole time[/spoiler]



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            8 Risposte
            • Its just a game nothing more, nothing less. Btw hunter has the highest attack, defense, speed and good looks feller #huntersbehuntin'



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              4 Risposte
              • Nice, the funny thing is, I got all 3 of my Gjally's using my Hunter.



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              • Crest of alpha lupi = help the team Gjallerhorn = help yourself One man wolf pack



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                1 Rispondi
                • My Hunter is my favorite character. In the past two months he has gotten me every Exotic I'm missing almost on a weekly basis. I swear I have the most lucky character in Destiny. Then yesterday I'm getting the Gorgons chest and this lucky son of a bitch pulls me another Gally. Idk if it's because my son made the character or not but he is now my favorite and my main. My Warlock was my main but he lost that title due to me loving the luck my Hunter has and the fact my Hunter is the most fun to play with.



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                  • The description is pretty accurate bud. 12+ days of GAME TIME and still no Gally.



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                    1 Rispondi
                    • I think you're just salty that we're the dominant class. Also, my cloak from the twilight gap battle disagrees with your logic.



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                      2 Risposte
                      • Ana bray fought at the twilight gap as seen in her cloak description



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                        1 Rispondi
                        • It was given to the survivors, nobody ever said the survivors kept them forever. For all we know they could have died and we found the Gjallarhorn from them.



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                        • HOL-E SHIT GUYS I FIGURED IT OUT. Okay so ghallahorn was made for survivors of twilight gap right? Obviously titans were there. They're the unbreakable walls of the city and are always ready to defend hold and die for what necessary right? Warlocks are the proud few who fully know what the Light is capable of. Hunters on the other hand are the roaming frontiersman that make their own luck and choose their own fights. So what we know is that ghallahorn was made from fallen guardian armor? Titans would make a good chunk of it. Warlocks would probably have been used to make the tracking sensors. Now hunters.... Hunters are though to not be at twilight gap correct? Not confirmed but I have a theory. What if hunters were outside the city and saw the enormous Fallen army coming straight toward it? I imagine hunters would rather fight in the wilderness where they know best and grew up exploring. Hunters are always itching to get back to the frontier so they never stayed in the city too long. Now what if they fought the fallen on their terms? A place where they clearly had the advantage to buy the city some time to prepare. Naturally they couldn't hold off the combined force of the united Fallen houses but they refused to retreat, choosing to defend and die in the place where they felt most comfortable. Now it comes to Ana Bray. Maybe she was the lone survivor who managed to get back to the city and recovered fast enough to participate in the actual fight. And that's why her cloak is named "strength of the pack" her pack of hunters who died defending humanity's final home and the combined strength of the guardians who won the day for it. Now what about the armor? It's lost to the wilds isn't it? What if to immortalize the lost hunters, the wolf heads on the sides and the sight are to represent them all? BAM Imaginary Lore 101



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                        • Battle plan for Twilight Gap Titans: ok so I'll run in and shoulder charge everything! Warlock: I'll blink here then here. Oh and then I can snipe the Stealth vandals on the right. Hunter: wait.... Your running into an ambush. You guys know that... Right? T: Pshhhhh puny Hunter. Doesn't know that ambushes mean nothing if they can't hit you H: ...... What if they surround you? T: Ward of dawn H: you sure this is a good idea? W: yep H: but our battle plan is a bunch of stick figures running up to rocks and then........ What? You want us to punch the rocks so hard that they fly towards the fallen? T: *highfives warlock. Definitely man! It's foolproof! H: but you're guessing where the fallen are. You don't even know they're right there! W: oh man a hunter actually thinking! Too bad we already have a back up plan in case of that. H: really? What is it? W: throw our guns at them H: ........ I'm sorry, what? T: throw our guns at them. We're taping nails to the top of our guns. H: ....... Forget it I'm out. W: too bad... That huntard is going to miss the flawless battle against the fallen. H: I can hear you dumbasses! You're going to die!!!!! The next day *Titan pops ward of dawn T: shoot we missed the rocks and I already threw my gun W: Me too..... T: guess we should have listened to that Hunter *both laugh uncontrollably Devil walker drops on top of them killing them instantly



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                        • If you think that's weird I want to know why Crota has a sword if we destroyed it on the moon.



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                          3 Risposte
                          • Key word is survivors. If you don't fight then you are surviving. Maybe it was a strategy so that both titans and warlocks get weekend and the hunters show up to finish them off.



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                          • Because it is a video game and no one gives a shit



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                            2 Risposte
                            • Jeff...Shut up



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                              2 Risposte
                              • I think the speaker sells a cloak based on the twilight gap. Not entirely sure though. I'll check



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                                1 Rispondi
                                • Hunters played their part.



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