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オリジナルの投稿元:Unbreakable Light
CR0SSW0LFXにより編集済み: 2/9/2015 12:44:57 AM

Raiding and Hitting 32

Would love to have everyone that still hasn't hit 32 yet to let us know here and also when you will be available to do the Normal raid. I would like a head count so that I can schedule and set up some raids to try and help get you in the hard raid mode also it will get you prepared for House of Wolves and our attempt to get world first. There's no reason we shouldn't have at least one team to go in when the raid drops. I know time and availability matters and we will work out the kinks. Anyways if you wanna raid and would like to have a set time that we will be going in let me know here. Come reset hopefully I will see some posts here and get you guys in to get what you need. We will do this every week until what you need drops. Anyways hope to hear from you and look forward to getting the rest of the Clan at 32 so we are capped level strong. Anyways give some feedback guys and good luck on all you do.....Cross out Ps : feel free to message me anytime I'm game.



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