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Spawnにより編集済み: 3/11/2015 12:52:14 PM

Bungie = "We will fix Cheeses but we will not fix Glitches" ????? WHY?

Post here on how many times or in what way the Glitches on crota have screwed you over. For example, last night i experienced several glitches. 1. Crotas maze on the 6 Lamp, with the entire fire team around it killing thralls, it would not activate. Thus by the next lamp we were full WoD x10... which resulted in dying. However i used Radiance out of curiosity, let the rest of the team continue and i went back to the Lamp that wouldn't turn on..... and it turned on. WTH 2. On Deathsinger, proceeded with the usual strategy, 3 left and 3 right, and killed the wizards and the shrieker. In waiting for the "Liturgy", I noticed that the knights that were on the ground floor of the map instantly shifted/spawned from the 1st floor to the 2nd floor, left side killing 2 of my teammates in the process. W.T.H 3. We tried Killing crota 8 times before (Note: we went to orbit on the 4th time) and the usual happened. Either he would not go down after a volley of dead on rockets (note is shield was clearly at 0) or the sword de-spawned either after 1 round of hits or before our swordbearer took it (that was the last straw for my team) I would like to not only get Bungie feedback on this but, player feedback as well on wht glitches they have been experiencing. Please dont give me a lecture on how "games glitch" because if you have played the amount that i have in my lifetime you would think that extensive testing on the raid would have found this. BTW i coud give a crap about cheeses, i don't even like them in the game but to take out a player advantage and leave a programmer screw up is beyond me., If bungie is all about "Fair Play" then where is the fairness on their side.



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

  • Honestly a lot of glitches in destiny come down to lag, which is something they have very little control over. Also player exploits are generally easy to fix. We know exactly why and how they happen, they usually just need to block things off in most cases. Figuring out why exactly a certain glitch happens only 1/10 runs, that's a lot harder to track down. Can they spend all kinds of time trying to fix smaller issues like that, that are harder to track down, sure. However it does and will take away from them providing new content. Anyways teleporting enemies, IME, is a lag thing. The game will stutter for a split second while the servers catch up, next thign you have enemies 20ft from where you last saw them. Anyways, sword disappearing seems to be triggered by explosions near the sword. Thrall explosions, late grenades or a rocket. Make sure nobody throws nades to clear thralls off the sword, throws nades as bearer is about to die, etc. Rocket him or nade him when his health is full then snipe him to death. I've never seen the sword disappear in those situations, ALWAYS in my eperience, there has been explosions near it as a trigger. (I'm assuming it's a physics thing and it falls through the map) The lamps not triggering sounds like a real gltich, I've heard of other complaints of it, but I can't say I've ever seen it, so I don't think it's too awful common. As a glitch, it's not common and even playtesting has it's limits. They get more "playtesting" releasing the raid live in 2 hours then they could get out of groups in 2 months paying them to run it. Anyways I've run the crota raid many times without any major glitches, it's far from unplayable or unbeatable in it's current state, even if occasionally "BS" happens.



    マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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