Ok so House of the Wolves is coming. Below I've put together a check list of what I'm doing pre expansion day:
Note I have 3 Titans so my check list is specific to that. Also there are a number of unknowns such as new currency, how we upgrade exotics etc
1 Have all 3 characters with 200 vanguard marks (600 in total) so I can buy all legendary pieces from vendor straight away
2 Stock up on strange coins ready to buy/upgrade exotics as soon as possible
3 Have reputations just under the point where it levels so I get Vanguard Commendation or whatever the new currency is (assuming I get something next level up)
4 Have 10 complete bounties ready to turn in after DLC drops on all 3 characters. Equip new legendaries and turn in bounties to level up gear and repeat on next 2 characters
What else can we do to prep for HoW and be ready to raid as soon as possible?
Any tips advice is welcome :)