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saeglopur12により編集済み: 4/29/2015 2:47:21 PM

The only Baltimore Video you need to watch

If you only watch one video about the Baltimore riots, it should be this one. Make sure you stay to the end. That dude couldn't have put the whole thing in better words. Edit: If I'm not mistaken, in the clip that starts at 1:13... that's Camden Yards in the background, I'm 90% sure (AKA the Baltimore Orioles stadium). UPDATE: In all fairness, riots are riots. Stupidity comes in every skin color. Want proof? WATCH THIS VID OF THE 2011 VANCOUVER RIOT:



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

  • I wanna go to Baltimore and tell every rioter to their face to quit being stupid over something that they are ignorant of or just straight up don't care about. Like seriously wtf is stealing bags of doritos, throwing shit in the air like Marti gras, and yelling -blam!- the police gonna do about anything? Before all of this happened even in Ferguson what did these two victims want to do. Did it ever cross their minds to loot a store or assault a police officer? I'm pretty sure that they just wanted to live life and let live but crazy shit happens. And whenever people who have no right to be angry and want to express it they do it just to show off for their friends to see who can be the bigger douchebag. And I notice that its mostly people in their early twenties and younger doing this and I'll bet half of them don't even know who Freddie Gray is. As far as I'm concerned with the police they need to lighten the hell up. Your job is to protect the people. I don't care if you have the devil himself in handcuffs, his life is in your hands. And I'm sure that the riot police are all starting to get really self centered right now because they are tired of all of the bullshit but that's tough shit because this is the job that you chose. The job where you are supposed to protect the people with the shield that you are holding not bash them over the skull or knock them down because the situation demands it. -blam!- the situation, its not in control of you, you are in control of it, so swallow your pride and do the right things. I might be a thousand miles away but the thought of this happening anywhere in the world makes me not lose hope in humanity but hope for a better future where "my four little children" will one day live in a nation where they can walk down the street without the danger of being kidnapped and taken from me. Where I don't have to fear that a stranger holds me at gun point and shoots me because of an unjust cause he misunderstands. Where my wife can drive safely to work without being stopped and pulled out of her car to be tortured and molested by people who think that its okay. A future where my family, friends, and neighbors can fall asleep at night, together, in their homes without their dreams or lives being cut short by a fire that WE THE PEOPLE, if that is what we can call ourselves, started. I can't take sides with either of you monsters. You make me sick and you can't possibly deserve to live in a country that gives you so much and all you do is throw it away. [spoiler]Sorry for swearing at the beginning but I hate seeing people fight. I know that this probably won't go very far from but sometimes it just feels good to blow off steam in the right direction.[/spoiler]



    マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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