This is how I think Destiny's Patrol mode should work.
Overall, it should be much more challenging in non-beginner areas. Cosmodrome's Divide & Mothyards should be enough for low-level characters, given that most will reach level 20 in a few days. Most other areas should be 20+.
Story-wise, Patrol could take place chronologically before the campaign, so that heavier enemy presence is justified. I imagine that taking out Crota, Sepiks Prime and Omnigul and rescuing Rasputin will calm things down a bit. Before that, Cosmodrome was a dangerous place...
Enemy placement shouldn't be the same as in the campaign. There should be lots of variation in mob placement, and mobs should be allowed to roam further away from their spawn point. Reinforcements should be frequent. Higher-level majors should spawn with regular mobs, including majors above the level cap... those ??-level enemies were terrifying.
Enemy power levels in different parts of the map could change with the daily reset, so that one day the Rocket Yard would be level 28, the next day it could drop down to 23, for example. Mission nodes could dynamically direct Guardians to areas with more enemy activity.
How about special public events that last for several hours? PvE Control in Forgotten Shore with revive, and ??-level ultras spawning every 20 minutes. Pikes. Tanks. Turrets. Snipers. Daily rewards.
Now, the interesting part: Dungeons. Basically they'd be randomized strikes, turning the more hostile areas of the map into extremely deadly fortresses. Accessed only by fireteams, these dungeons would have Darkness Zones, no-respawn-zones (revive only), elemental burns, lightswitch etc. They would start out easy, so that a level 20 Guardian can attempt it, but
gradually get more difficult the nearer you get to the end boss, naturally weeding-out Guardians with insufficient gear. After each major encounter there would be a loot chest, like with raids. Loot, main enemy type, difficulty level & modifiers would reset weekly.
What do you guys think? I realize this is probably a bit too much to ask, even for Comet, but maybe Destiny 2...?