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6/8/2015 4:53:43 AM

reporting an offensive post match psn message

I love playing destiny, and I'm really pleased that I've bonded with my precious 9yo daughter over it, who has gone from simply holding an inactive controller while watching me, to learning how to use two joysticks at once during patrols, and now she can run most end game content after leveling her own 33 titan (so not on this psn account im posting under) and likes to dabble trying to learn how to pvp. I acknowledge that sometimes she might hear the odd accidental swear on chat, but generally most people are respectful and mindful when a child is listening and try to control themselves. However, recently I was shocked and outraged when she came to me after a recent pvp session and asked me what the following post-game psn message meant, in particular the portion that Ive bleeped out here (keep in mind that she has NEVER heard this word before...) "Dont stand behind someone and block their ability to get out of the line of fire you dumb c**t. Go play my little pony." So obviously someone got upset when she was just trying to help, but the last line indicates that this player knew that they were addressing a young female, so not only are they being incredibly foul but also oppressively sexist and intentionally offensive to a minor. I would have used the in-game reporting feature if I was able to, but this was post-game and also the psn message was outside of the game so wouldn't be captured by Bungie. Lastly, I cannot name the individual in an open forum, but I'm more than happy to provide a gamer tag if contacted by appropriate representatives. Its such a shame that some people think that mindless put downs like this are acceptable, but I know that the gaming community detest this and wants to stamp it out, so I look forward to when further action can be carried out. Otherwise then that poor experience, thanks for the fantastic game Bungie !! :-)



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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