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Destiny について話し合おう
MetaKioにより編集済み: 6/29/2015 3:54:58 PM

TTK Weapon Theory

So, what will they do? Are we going to see another HoW upgrade material pathway? Or another TDB disaster? This is a playful theory, with a little hope sprinkled in for my own preferences. Keep calm and play nice :) When trying to conceptualize what will be awaiting around the corner in regards to the weapon upgrade path of your existing arsenal, you need to take a step back from your personal attachment. For example, my Vision of Confluence has served me well for as long as I use it, and has earned a permanent place in my Primary slot. But I believe that this will change, and for the better. There are a few things that need to be considered when you review the current paradigm of, let say Primary weapons, in Destiny. What makes the best Primary? Damage output? Universality? Look at the core weapons that people will use. Elemental is of earnest desire, certain archetypes then follow. I've seen people use Atheon's Epilogue even though the archetype is sub par in the current version of the game, because it is an elemental (and a trophy, of course). Why revert to such a poor weapon frame in comparison of what else you can have, just because of elemental damage? Bungie will be looking at this. They will realize that there is little demand for Primary weapons with kinetic damage. How many other weapon are sat in your inventory, having the dust blown off for the odd Patrol or Daily? Yet, when the endgame content is to be used they, well, are just taking up room. To a designer, this must be disheartening. All that variety and creativity (lets be fair, some of the names on databases are frickin' cool) is being shrugged off because your prize Fatebringer is the answer to most scenarios. What do you do about this? Elemental modules. Purchasable items that charge a Primary weapon for the duration of an activity and / or time frame. Affordable and acquirable so that the community is incentivised to try new vendor weapons and mix up play styles. Have it so that the weapon module expires, allowing flexibility for different Elemental Burns. Make it so that it lasts for 10 minutes and / the duration of your existing activity, so that you are not punished by having to wait for a cool down or waste it because you were kicked to orbit. Give Year 2 weapons a chance for their characteristics and archetypes to shine, not to be shadowed simply because of a damage trait. Bungie are introducing, or at least appear to be doing so, much more diversity and character with Year 2 weapons models, with much more prominence of weapon foundry / manufacturer identity. You will know it is a SUROS by the weapon design, how it behaves and sounds. It will be worked into the lore that the weapons manufacturers are providing superior weaponry due to your successes for the City. It makes sense for them to be better weapons, higher damage value and stats. By their definition, they will outdated the Year 1 weapons - weapons that, if you take from the lore, are relics and remains - not near their Golden Age glory. It can be derived from the lore that this is why there is such limited weapon design variety, vanilla if you will. You will not be able to ascend Year 1 weapons to Year 2 standards, or at least not so without immense difficulty. And the game will benefit from this fresh start. In my opinion, Destiny Year 1 has been a expanded beta program, and Year 2 will be when Destiny 1.5 begins. More character, more diversity, more game. [b]The weapons will still be around, but will be less effective.[/b] You have grown close to your weapons, your Legend. It will hurt to leave them in the dirt, to dismantle them for more programmable matter. But you must move on, grown to be more. I know I will, and I genuinely look forward to it.



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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