I spent an hour or so getting to Skolas. Then another 3 hours at Skolas. Then I had to go. Cmon Bungie, why the -blam!- are there no checkpoints in PoE😀 At least make a checkpoint every other round. This is freaking bullshit and makes me not want to do PoE. I rather Bungie put checkpoints in then matchmaking...
My theory. The reason we do not have matchmaking in raids is due to the year one raid schema... Checkpoints..... I believe that the matchmaking they currently does not have the ability to parameterize checkpoints. Being a tripA developer tho they cannot admit to this short coming in their development. Thus the "philosophy" was born. Now what does that have to do with PoE [b]not[/b] having check points? I'm glad you asked. Bungie thought giving PoE 28 matchmaking would placate the pro matchmaking masses. But ultimately removed their ability to out checkpoints in 32-34-35 because again, schema. Bungie cannot fight their framework. They're bound by rules of their design and unfortunately their design has flaws.
To prevent checkpoint abuse. They should just -blam!-ing fix that and given us PoE Checkpoints.
Unmmmm because only raids have cp?? Poe is not a raid ?? Can little brain understand? Just get better wtf
If skolas had a CP, then 100+ people from LFG will ask to join your game, get in and get the checkpoint, leave, and start their own.
Checkpoint abuse should be easy to fix. You should save the checkpoint of the last section you beat; not the last section you died on. That way people cant just join, die, and leave. They would have to stick around and beat that section. If they left after that, then they would already be past the checkpoint they wanted to steal. Totally fixes the problem.
Acti$hit/Bungle has to protect that grind... it's what their entire 10-year franchise is built around.
Bungie doesnt like checkpoint abuse. Look at how abused gorgons chest is and how abused deathsinger was. That being said, i saw a glimmer of hope when i first saw trials cards. Bungie could use punch cards to denote progress within the lrison of elders. Exactly how would this work? Its simple: when in a group, the punch card system would direct the warden to start the mission at the lowest punched card in the group. So say if two of the three have section 4 completed, but the third just joined and he previously completed section 2. Then the entire group would start at section 3. This is the best way to install checkpoints within the prison of elders in a manner in which they could not be abused.
Matchmaking does not require effort on their part, just need to copy and past, effectively, or click a lil check box.... Checkpoints would possibly take them work, but agree, should put in checkpoints, (I doubt I will ever get to beat skolas in time for that emblem if checkpoints are not added)
DDkin9により編集済み: 7/14/2015 2:59:00 PMSo here is my guess at why no checkpoints. Sure Bungie does not like checkpoint abuse, but as we all know, that's a weak argument since as you read replies in this post, clearly there are easy ways around this. (Like the passage card, checkpoint keys, whatever). The REAL reason it isn't implemented is exactly the same reason there is no Optional matchmaking for high level content- BUNGIE DOES NOT WANT THE MASSES TO FINISH ENDGAME CONTENT TOO QUICKLY. Period. So they create these artificial walls/barriers to do so. It's the proverbial "dangling carrot" in front of our noses. They know matchmaking or PoE checkpoints would make finishing the missions easier for most. They know it's a huge pain to get a raid fireteam... (Without in game matchmaking). They know it's a huge task to have to defeat Skolas in one sitting... (Without checkpoints). Give us checkpoints and we will all eventually have the Skolas checkpoint and will be able to take him down much easier at our own pace. Just like we can do with Crota or Atheon having those checkpoints. It's Bungies way to restrict access to endgame.
We spent an hour on the level 34 PoE and my friend got kicked once we were on the boss stage. Destiny wouldn't even let him back in when we sent him the invite. It said "It is too late in the game for you to join". This REALLY needs to be fixed. He completely rage quit.
Because players who don't earn the progress to the final stages would swap out 12 character classes at the last boss.
Will Bungie respond to your thread? https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/138409684 [spoiler]No, they won't.[/spoiler]