Bungie, Deej, Cosmo, if you can hear me please can you consider changing the way faction packages drop rewards.
I level Dead Orbit on my Warlock and Titan but so far I have only received one Bittersteel shader to wear as representation of my allegiance. I level New Monarchy on my Hunter and, so far, have received none of their shaders nor any of their ships.
This isn't something that i'm bitter about or wanting to complain about, I just feel like it could be something that could be more rewarding for any guardian wanting to follow the path of their favourite faction.
My suggestion would be to a) add some kind of milestone reward system or b) add shaders & ships to the vendor inventories.
Option (A) would be to reward Guardians with a shader or a ship whenever they reached a set milestone within their faction, for example getting to level 25/50/100. Maybe every 10 levels might be more attainable for most people!? And then random rewards for every level in between (the usual weapon/armor/mote of light)
Option (B) would be to just add said faction specific items to the Vendors inventory making the items attainable for only a certain amount of crucible marks after a particular rank.
Personally i would prefer option A as it seems more encouraging of sticking with a certain faction as opposed to just being able to buy something so easily, it would also make the rewards feel more special, like you've actually earned something.
Guardians let me know what you think or if you have any ideas of your own on how these rewards can be changed, i would love to hear them.
T-ROC25により編集済み: 8/24/2015 4:22:34 PMWHAT WILL HAPPEN TO MY FACTION PACKAGES THAT I HAVE WAITING FOR ME AT THE POSTMASTER ON SEPTEMBER 15th!? Will they disappear? I have several waiting for me. I was planning on opening them all at the same time in hopes of getting shaders. Please reply Bungie. Best, Tariq PSN: T-ROC25
I find these posts to become very annoying. You want a cool shader or a special faction ship grind it out like everyone else. Getting sick and tired of people wanting to have every goddamm thing given to them. Took me a combine lvl of 91 in DO to get all shaders and a ship. Currently combined close to 80 in NM and still missing the ship and themisto. Theres already enough social welfare in this -blam!-ing game lets keep 1 thing harder to obtain? I mean you can hit the max -blam!-ing level in 1 week... Keep faction packages as it is. Grind or equip a thunderdevil or some random crap. It makes it that much sweeter to get one.
I agree TC. I literally was talking to my friend last night or the night before about this very thing. It should be a milestone reward for grinding as opposed to luck. My friend finally got his last shader for dead orbit last night at rank 104. He had been grinding dead orbit since day 1. We have friends who have gotten the nowhere shader at like level 20. It doesn't make sense. I wish there at least wouldn't be repeat rewards. I've gotten the same FWC shader 3 times and no other yet. Also, do you know if these shaders and ships for the factions are going away when the taken king comes out? Some are saying they are and that's BS if so considering the amount of grinding people are doing and not getting rewards while another person gets everything by level 20.
I'm rank 20 in Dead orbit and I haven't even gotten one shader but it'll feel so much better knowing I worked hard to get it when I finally do so stop being ungrateful and grind like everyone else