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Destiny について話し合おう
fleezinatorにより編集済み: 7/16/2015 11:26:11 PM

Elder cipher glitch

So on my first skolas that i did i got 2 elder ciphers. ( i dont know why but im just so very lucky got a gjallahorn from the nightfall earlier that week.) i went to variks and there before me i had 3 choices. For my first one, i thought, ill get lord of wolves! *chooses lord of wolves. And for m- wait. Where are the choices? I check my cipher and they both say,"Aquire the queens cipher from the queens chest in an arena challenge. Im like NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO WHERES MY SECOND CHOICE BUNGIE D; Can someone tell me how to fix this if its fixable? Thanks Okay thanks for your input. No need to tell me anymore
#Destiny #Helpmeh



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