Title says it all. What's your main class and your favorite weapon?
I run Assault/Support the most and I rock the ACW-R and the Bulldog.
I play battlefield 4 a lot (like over 800 hours) and I've come to like 2 classes; >engineer: I mostly play conquest or rush and in those game modes there are a lot of vehicles, I run engineer so I'm able to help take them out. Plus I'm an attack chopper pilot cause most people can't fly at all, its better to rely on myself to repair my own chopper/vehicle. >medic/assault: I mostly use this class when I play on infantry heavy maps or I'm sticking to indoors. Many people don't drop medkits or make good revive calls. Some don't even fulfill their role as a squad medic. So I try to pick up the slack or be MVP of the match.
Engineer. Always have, always will. I always seem to be the only one that goes after helicopters,if the other team dominates by heli theyre going to win most of the time. At least in my experience. Also enjoy taking tanks out with my repair tool, though thats most because of support not giving ammo out!
Engineer and Assault. With Assault i usually run different weapons but my main choice is: Aug A3 with Holo sight, sight changer, believe foregrip, sometimes tri dot sight. Med Pack and either Defibs of grenade launcher. Engineer i pretty mucu always have the G36c with a holo and other attachments. Always have the rpg and will usually have tank mines.