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7/26/2015 11:52:33 PM

Show Exotic Armor Some Love

Bungie, you're constantly looking to tweak and balance our exotic guns. That's awesome. Now it's time to show exotic armor the same sort of love. You've designed some really awesome exotic armor pieces. You've also designed some mediocre ones, and some down right useless ones. They may all look cool, but looks aren't everything. What follows is a list of the ones I think need to be tweaked. I'm not demanding you adopt my changes; I'm definitely NOT asking you to nerf any armor; I'm just asking you to take a look at all our exotic armor and buff the ones that just can't compare to the greats. [b]ATS/8 ARACHNID[/b] Man this helm looks awesome. Too bad it's borderline useless. Yes, GG does do extra crit damage, but even before the Nighthawk there was no reason to use this over Achlyophage. Who needs that extra damage when you can just fire off a fourth shot? In pvp GG's a one shot, and if it doesn't, you can just use a 4th shot. In pve, the only time you'll really engage enemies at a range worth using the ARACHNID, it's still outperformed by Achlyophage for the same reason, and the Nighthawk outright eclipses it in damage. [b]Suggested Change:[/b] ARACHNID still allows GG ADS, but adds at least a 2x crit multiplier to GG. [b]Apotheosis Veil[/b] Apotheosis isn't useless, it's just very, very situational, and there's really one one situation I can think of where it's worth using: Crota. But only if you're running sword. If you're not you're better off just using Red Death for the health regen. In any other circumstance there are so many other great warlock helms Apotheosis isn't even worth mentioning in the same sentence. It [i]sounds[/i] useful, but the main problem is all it really takes is one shot to negate the regen. [b]Suggested Change[/b]: Constant regen while super is active. Regen rate might need to be tweaked to keep the helm balanced. [b]Knucklehead Radar[/b] I've seen people run this from time to time, but I just don't see how it could possibly compare to 3rd man, Achlyophage, or Nighthawk. Sensor Pack is just too limited a perk. And now in Taken King there are apparently going to be weapons that give an enhanced radar, which makes this helm seem even less useful. [b]Suggested Change:[/b] Sensor pack grants a constant enhanced radar at all times on all weapons. Like a halo style radar where actual enemy locations are visible. [b]Starfire Protocal[/b] It doesn't have to be purifier robes or praxic, but there's hardly any compelling reason to run Starfire, even if you like fusion grenades. Even Voidfang is a more compelling option as a sunsinger since you can always spawn with two fusions ready to go. It's never going to be Purifier or Praxic, but it doesn't have to be, just like Skull of Dire Ahamkara is still a useful helm even though it's not ram or obsidian. [b]Suggested Change:[/b] Two fusions is nice, but it needs to grant addition functionality in the way Voidfang adds a 3rd axion seeker. My vote's expanded explosion radius and damage. [b]Bones of Eao[/b] And now we get to the leg armor which almost universally sucks. And if it doesn't suck, there's no reason to use it over chest or helm exotics. The Bones aren't half bad though. Are you really going to need that 3rd (or 4th) jump? Probably not but it can be useful. I only really have one complaint. [b]Suggested Change:[/b] It should grant a 3rd blink as well. [b]Mk. 44 Stand Asides[/b] I know someone who swears by them in pvp. Shoulder charge is pretty great, and they have some utility, but I don't really think an extra 3 seconds is enough to justify your exotic slot. [b]Suggested Change:[/b] A shoulder charge kill should instantly reset your shoulder charge cooldown, juggernaut style. [b]Peregrine Greaves[/b] Another cool exotic... in theory. In pvp shoulder charge is a one shot so there's no need, and in pvp you probably don't want to get that close to anything you can't one shot charge anyway. [b]Suggested Change:[/b] It needs to be a massive damage boost, like nighthawk; enough to take down the weaker yellow bar adds. [b]Radiant Dance Machines[/b] I've heard people swear by the MIDA + RDM combo, although in testing them out I've noticed it's MIDA doing all the work. The speed increase is just too marginal. [b]Suggested Change:[/b] Increase the movement speed to MIDA levels at all times. And make the wearer moonwalk while wearing them. Well that's my list. I only dealt with the exotic perks, but some of the stats and non-exotic perks could bear your reconsideration as well. Come on, Bungie, exotic armor buffs are long overdue.



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