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Destiny について話し合おう
8/5/2015 5:16:20 PM

No, Bungie isn't perfect

I have been seeing a lot of posts complaining about the taken king and how bungie is messing up the game etc. Do you really expect them to create a perfect mmo type of game for the first time ever? That's like asking a child to know how to ride a bike for the first time ever without any training wheels. Bungie has never made a mmo type of game. They are learning as they go. Year one was bungie with their training wheels. They learned as much as they could through the players and made adjustments where they thought would most be effective for the game. Year two (looks/sounds) like bungie starting to take those training wheels off after realizing how to create a good mmo game. I know a lot of the complaints have been about legendary weapons/gear not being able to get ascended. I get it. It's a grind. I've been there myself. However, we need a change. I was getting real tired of playing the same thing and using the same weapons time after time. Bungie knows what weapons are the most popular so I'm sure you can expect similar guns in the taken king. Anyways, I understand some of the complaints but we need to understand that Bungie is learning and changing the game for the better.



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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