Veteran players are getting boned with this new expansion pack pricing. Players who have played this game from day 1 end up paying about $180 ($60 for the original game, $20 for each expansion, and $80 for the new expansion pack collectors edition) while new players are awarded the same things for $80 (original game included, expansion packs included, and the new collectors edition expansion)... THIS IS HOW BUNGIE REWARDS ITS VETERAN PLAYERS WHO MADE THIS GAME SO SUCCESSFUL.. This is atrocious. The gamers who stood by as Bungie struggled (and still struggles) with their servers and all of their glitches and game lags. And how do we get repaid for being Bungie's test monkeys?... By paying more. If Bungie cared about its veteran players, they would offer them a discount on the new expansion, NOT make them pay 2 x more.
Dude. The vanilla game is a year old. Games decrease in value over time. Get over it.
Honestly the boning isn't in the pricing. It's in the loot. I don't mind changing my gear slowly over time but they're gonna render them completely useless overnight. Not just that: a brand new player will be as powerful as a veteran in just 2 mins with a catch-up consumable. There has to be some value to the loot we currently have. And no converting it to 1 precious mote of light isn't good enough (my a**hole is still sore from the 2-to-1 exchange rate we got for all those shards and coins we'd collected over time).
Early adapters always pay more. I am not happy about the lack of upgrading my year 1 weapons. I have deleted some of my original guns for new ones this year. I like to keep the weapons that work best for my play style. So I have a mix of vanilla, TDB, HoW, and PoE weapons. Currently my favorite machine gun is the pacifier from new monarchy. My favorite sniper is my arc LDR (does not have final round). The POE sniper has great stats and sights, but the recoils is too much.
SpillingShortsにより編集済み: 8/6/2015 10:24:01 PMYou do understand games usually release a collector's or GoTY edition with all DLC at a more convenient price to those who didn't pick it up initially. It's to get those who don't have the game a chance to experience everything. Just because you're a year one player doesn't mean you're entitled to the year two players price. You pay for the head start. If you want the physical collectors edition for TTK you'll have to pay the $80. I'm not saying it's worth the money to the "veteran" players, but it's a steal for the new guys. No cookies or rewards are given for longer participation.
Bro, its been out for a year. Find any game, and wait a year to buy it. Guess what, its cheaper. I really don't understand why everyone is tripping on this shit. I dropped $110 on bf4 with the premium subscription. Guess what, people can get it cheaper now. Think i give two shits? Nope. I played for over a year. Thats well worth the money. People need to stop being greedy bitches. If you have more than 300 hrs, you are not allowed to bitch in my opinion.
By percent here is what veteran pay: Collectors Edition: $180 vs $80 - 225% more Legendary Edition: $160 vs $60 - 267% more Normal Edition: Not applicable because the content received is less than what new players receive with their purchase.