I killed the blade of crota in the fist of crota mission 65 times, 36 on normal 29 on hard. Won't drop. I checked the postmaster for the husk but it wasn't there. Is this the payback I get for getting gjallarhorn from Poe 28 and two days later on a Tuesday getting another ghorn?
Edit: 68th try something on the side is loading and I say out loud, "Husk?" and that's when I finally got it.
The drop rate was increased, the weapon is not guaranteed to drop after each kill. The drop rate varies from player to player. Some have acquired it within a couple of runs as others are continuing to farm for the weapon. Continue to try and eventually you will receive the weapon. Players have reported the weapon to drop after the Hot Fix. Destiny Hot Fix patch notes: https://www.bungie.net/en/News/News?aid=13383
Hi Vortex Minions, It was fixed players are now reporting to drop after the Hot Fix. https://www.bungie.net/en/News/News?aid=13383 Also other players might have more luck and get it on their first 5 runs or less, it's RNG just keep on killing the Blades of Crota it will drop.