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8/18/2015 5:08:13 AM

NEW DLC idea!!!!!!!!!!!!

NEW DLC Idea!!!! Please, tell me what you think. Please, tell me if I should add something. Please like it, if Bungie sees a lot of people liking this then it'll be a huge mistake to not make it real. THE LABYRINTH SUMMARY: The stranger has sent you to Ishtar Academy to inspect a strange looking group of Vex called Labyrinth Vex who died due to structure defects. A Vex "Labyrinth" Hydra is creating a the new powerful breed of Labyrinth Vex to avenge the darkness from The Black Garden. You must now stop terrible Vex creations and gain access to a new section of The Black Garden known as The Labyrinth. CRUCIBLE: Along with the DLC will be a new crucible game where you only use melee, grenades, and supers. The purpose of this will be to help players sharpen their melee skills. Also We hear a lot about people lost outside the city, what if there was a thing where you and a small group of friends must find and protect the lost people against waves of enemies. It's like Prison Of Elders but your protecting people. INCLUDES: •New enemy- Labyrinth Vex •New boss •New location- The Labyrinth •8-10 missions •New gear •2 new crucible games P.S. If anyone has an idea about how the Labyrinth Vex should look let me know and it'll be much appreciated. And Please tell me any thoughts you have!



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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