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Destiny について話し合おう
Zerrzielにより編集済み: 8/23/2015 12:37:35 PM

Everything We Know About Servitors

[b]I just want to say in advance, I find the whole concept of Servitors really fascinating so i just had to write this. [/b] Servitors are those large purple balls with the eyes that shoot purple things. A Servitors use to the fallen is to create ether from natural materials because ether cannot be found naturally in this solar system. Ether is a source of food/energy that helps fallen grow. Higher ranking fallen have higher ether rations which increases their growth rate more than a normal ranking fallen's, such as a dreg. The largest fallen like kells and archons are the largest due to the amount of ether they can consume. The servitors can only be created by other servitors so there needs to be one source where most servitors come from in a house. This source is the prime servitor. Remember Sepiks Prime? That fellow was creator of every devil servitor on Earth so over time every devil should die due to servitors slowly being picked off by guardians. There are 3 currently know prime servitors. There is Sepiks, Simiks and Kaliks. Sepiks is the House of Devils Prime Servitor who dwells deep down in the Cosmodrome. Simiks is the House of Winters Prime Servitor. He was destroyed a while ago but some of his followers still patrol the Ishtar Sink. Kaliks is the House of Wolves Prime Servitor. He fought alongside the House of Wolves during the reef wars. When he saw that The Awoken had the upper hand he fled and it is though that he is still hiding on another planet. Kaliks Prime's influence over the wolves was so great that the fallen in the prison of elders "remade" him out of other servitor parts. The House of Kings Prime Servitor is currently unknown and it is not known whether or not the House of Exile has one. The Prime Servitors are considered gods to even the kells. Hope people like this, anything else anyone can think of will be added and credit will be given. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)



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