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8/18/2015 9:27:54 PM

Weapon Ideas For TTK!!!

So here are a few new ideas I've been thinking about regarding new weapon types in destiny that could be added at TTK or as a later update. These ideas could also be taken to make a single exotic weapon that fits into its own unique class instead of making an entire new weapon type, it's up to the community. One more thing I'd like to point out is that some of these weapons may sound overpowered, but these are just ideas and there are plenty of ways to nerf or buff these weapons as needed. So without further talk, here are my gun type ideas for destiny, I will organize them by giving two ideas for each weapon slot (primary, secondary, heavy) and then one additional exotic idea for each weapon type: PRIMARY: 1. Arc Rifles Description: Arc rifles are weapons that act as a sort of scout rifle. They shoot at a low rate of fire with high impact or a faster fire rate with less impact. The gun runs on small batteries lined on the sides of the gun, that take longer to reload than a magazine. The catch, however, is that each shot fires a bolt of lightning that arcs from the first target hit to another target close enough to it, dealing slightly less damage with each arc to a new enemy. In addition, precision shots will arc to create more precision shots (ex. if you headshot a target the bolt will then arc to another enemy's head rather than their body). The gun is at a disadvantage with reload speed, fire rate, magazine size, and effective range, but is at an advantage with hard hitting and "arcing" lightning rounds. It is also worth noting that the arc will only work at a certain radius from the first target hit and that the farther the arc has to go between targets the less damage it does. Exotic: The Mad Scientist "My thirst for the light has given birth to my creation, my final breathe into this world..." Body: The Mad Scientist is an almost completely black arc rifle with very detailed and intricate engravings lined across the body in a bleak silver shade. The barrel of the gun is three long U shaped coils that together form a triangle. The gun shoots a red lightning bolt that pulses through the three coils. Exotic Perks: Short Circuit (optional perk): The arc from this weapon splits into two after hitting the first target, allowing for greater crowd damage. Overcharged (optional perk): Double the distance of this weapons arc radius, however the rifle can now only arc to one other enemy. It's worth noting that only one of these two perks can be chosen at a time. 2. SMG's Description: Smg's are obviously a well known and heavily used gun type in other shooters such as Call of Duty or Battlefield but in Destiny they are completely non existent, being somewhat replaced with fast firing auto rifles. My idea for SMG's in destiny would be a small firearm with an insane rate of fire, moderate magazine size (25-40), very fast reload, very low range, and high stability. In addition, using an SMG would make your guardian NOTICEABLY more fast and agile, and by this I mean a very distinct difference from using any other type of firearm. This would make for a very fun and fast paced play style with SMG's with their most effective range up close to enemies and their attributes helping you get their much faster than normal. It would overall just add a much more skill based play style to both PvE and PvP. Exotic: Faster than Light "It is impossible, they said, but perhaps it is not as simple as that..." Body: This weapon resembles an mp11 from Call of Duty, being very small. It is a glowing white color, as if the gun was made entirely from pure light, and a yellow flame shoots from the side of the gun. Exotic Perks: Faster than Light: Gain the ability to sprint while aiming and firing this weapon from the hip. (Keep in mind you can only sprint forward) Sleight of Hand: Melee speed is greatly increased while this weapon is equipped. SECONDARY: 1. Bolt Launchers My vision for a bolt launcher is a gun that resembles and acts like a crossbow without a bow or string, just the body. It would be a pretty long, rectangular shaped gun that shoots crossbow bolts that stick to enemies and surfaces and explode after a short time. The blast radius would not be very large, and the bolts would have a noticeable drop at range and travel time, but the gun would be great for small crowd and single target damage. The gun would hold somewhere around 4 bolts that would be loaded into the top of the gun like a shotgun, and it would shoot at a very slow but semi-auto rate of fire. Overall, a sort of futuristic crossbow. Exotic: Sunchaser "You can venture to the surface of the sun alright, but the problem is you can only do it once." Body: The body of this gun is long and rectangular shaped. The surface of the gun resembles that of the sun being completely molten and flaming. Exotic Perks: Sunchaser: Targets hit with this weapon while airborne are instantly burned to death, leaving a large aoe fire circle underneath them. Space Ballistics: Bolts from this weapon fire at a much faster speed (much greater velocity) but also have a much greater drop. 2. So I could not for the life of me figure out a cool enough idea for this second place, so please comment below with your weapon type idea for a secondary or any other slot! HEAVY 1. Disc Launchers: Imagine this: a gun shaped similarly to a rocket launcher, being shoulder mounted and bulky, but rather than rockets this weapon shoots sharpened metal discs about 1ft. in radius. A single disc is loaded into the open side of the gun, and with the cock of a lever, the disc is pulled back and up slightly into position. When you pull the trigger, a small half second charge up happens and during this time the blade visually rotates to an incredible speed before being launched. The disc then shoots like a sort of frisbee that can lock on to a target. The disadvantages of the gun are its reload speed, charge up, and zero blast radius, and its advantages are that the velocity is much higher than a launcher, it does much more single target damage, and the disc can over penetrate targets. Exotic: A Space Odyssey "Across the galaxy and through the wormhole, that is where the odyssey lives..." Body: A Space Odyssey is a completely white painted, very rectangular shaped launcher with a few light orange glowing lines running along the edges of the weapon. When equipped, a large light orange shaded screen deploys as a sort of sight and a robotic female voice says "Welcome, User" when this happens. The disc loaded is also a light orange shade, resembling a tron disc. Exotic Perks: Multi-Lock: The weapon locks on to three targets per disc, even being able to stack all three lock ons to one target. The disc will over penetrate the targets in order of lock on and curve mid-flight in order to hit all targets. Connecting Flight: The weapon can now lock on to 5 targets per disc but looses its ability to stack lock ons to a single target. Again, only one of these two perks can be equipped at a time. 2. Riot Shield So I realize the idea of a riot shield in destiny may sound a bit strange but hear me out on this. A riot shield would block all damage from any source as long as the user is pointing the shield in that direction, it does not block 360 degrees of damage nor does it last forever. The way it would work is instead of an ammo count the weapon would have a health bar that depletes as the shield absorbs damage and repairs when heavy ammo is picked up. It would be a very situational weapon but would add interesting new tactics to PvE in destiny, and be extremely useful in certain parts of raids. As for the difference between different quality riot shields (uncommon, rare, legendary) they would vary with mobility, health amount, size, and other unique perks that set them apart. Not easy to implement into the game, but a very unique weapon type indeed. Exotic: On the Wall "Who's the fairest of them all?" Body: The entire body of the riot shield resembles a giant mirror, distorting its reflections. It has a large front side and two smaller sides that tilt inward a bit towards the user. Exotic Perks: One Way: The entire shield becomes a one way mirror granting the user the ability to see everything on the other side of the shield while still being 100 percent protected. Reflector: Bullets ricochet off the shield and can even be directed back towards the enemy. So there it is, my ideas for weapon types and accompanying exotics to be added to destiny. If you want to see any of this in the game bump this post to get bungie's attention and comment below on your favorite idea here or your own personal one. Thanks for the read! -filibeto16



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