I've been steering away from hand cannons for a while to try out pulse rifles and scout rifles so I need advice.
I just recently got a NA3D1 Salvation State. Tried it in crucible and it's a beast even without upgrades yet. Mine currently has full auto, crowd control, and braced frame. I think those perks would make it even more of a beast. Braced frame maxes out the gun's stability but I'm concerned that the lower magazine size wouldn't complement crowd control if I'd have to reload more often. Is there a scout rifle roll that you guys can recommend? I'm holding off upgrading the gun until I'm sure it has the right roll.
I recently got Treads Upon Stars from Bond Brothers Heroic and it rolled the trifecta of perfect perks:
-Triple Tap
-Explosive rounds
-Guerilla Fighting (I think it's called) with boosted stats when shooting from cover