Join Mommys Babies! and show your mothers how much you love them! (PS4 only for now)
In all seriousness tho, i know the name sounds dumb and thats the point. I am looking forward to make a group with people from all across the globe and hopefully platforms (Xbox One maybe?) to just explore, help, share, and most importantly enjoy with others. I, and many other gamers like me, are sick of having to go to forums and fight for a spot or in some instances be kicked or have people leave because we fail a part often. I get it, its frustrating but also annoying. I hate that and therefore am looking forward to make a group where we can help people run raids, PoE or any other PvE related content. Hell, if y’all play some other game and find a partner to play here, thats even better. I just wanna enjoy some JOLLY COOPERATION (Dark Souls 1 reference anyone? no? PRAISE THE SUN!! Sorry……).
This group will be focused on, as you might have guessed it, PvE related content (Raids, Strikes, Campaign missions, PoE, etc…). PvP people are welcome too. If you are interested, join up the group Mommys Babies. If you have any questions and/or enquiries, hit up me (AverageRookie07), or Skullboii26. We are always here to help.
This group is solely for enjoying the game. You are free to join any activity but you have the responsibility to play it through, unless the whole fireteam decides to abandon ship or you have some real life emergency.
Be nice, have fun, and respect everyone.
Enjoy the game
[i]About me -
Averagerookie07 a.k.a Kenny. I am 20 yrs old and have finished university and am currently job hunting (OH THE PAIN). I am a HUGE gamer, playing all sorts of games from Destiny to CoD to Counter Strike to games like Splinter Cell or Bloodborne or Batman and so on across multiple platforms (PS4, Xbox One, PC, 3DS, Ps Vita).[/i]
Hope to see you on the battlefield guardians!