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Destiny について話し合おう
Flyingcrippleにより編集済み: 9/21/2015 6:32:13 PM

Can I just say...

Supers don't rule the crucible, people do. A hammer of sol is very capable, but so is every other super used right. Even bubble with weapons of light can be OP if the user does it right. Hammer of sol can still be shut down with a suppressor grenade or shadowshot same as everyone else. After all, why do people get supers? Because they killed a lot of people. Players who never get kills only get their super once per game maybe, and probably don't use it well anyway. So next time you get wreaked by the same guy with Hammer of Sol, remember, he probably already killed you a few times with his guns first. Leave it to a Nightstalker or Defender to suppress him and run away like people have been since day one from bladedancers and golden guns. You don't have to agree, I like the Hunter best, but I play all three. You gotta be good at gun play before you get to use any super ability. (Unless you play mayhem) So lets go out, wreck, and git rekt.



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