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Destiny について話し合おう
The Argent Kingにより編集済み: 9/25/2015 1:36:15 AM

Destiny Riddles

Just starting my own series of lore based riddles. Feel free to answer and have fun. It also to become more accustomed to the lore of this universe. [i]"Blessed art thou, that which treads amongst the Darkness. That which is unseen, always found, but all too often forsaken. For why dost thou exist? What be the value of thine nature? For whom dost thou give purpose? Existence for existence. Valued to none but one. Purposed to those who wish to guard thine Banner. Those who seek thee will not find thee, and those that need thee will bind thee. Fashioned from hope and given life to guard life. Who art thou?"[/i] :D



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