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10/4/2015 2:53:13 AM

Blacksmith armor shader unavailible

Right, so. I just got back into Destiny three days ago. I had the game preordered and even did the preorder for CoD to get the unique shader and sparrow. I had my three character slots used up but in order to get back into the game and see if I missed anything I deleted one character and made a new warlock. I just reached level 20 about an hour ago and found out that my character does not have the blacksmith shader. Because I thought maybe the game just scrapped it or something I logged onto one of my old characters and saw that they still had the shader and sparrow. So, I got back onto my new character and went to check the mail to see if maybe it just didn't activate and say I had anything there, as that is where you picked up the shader/sparrow combo. Nothing. So, I'm curious, is this meant to be? Does the shader just become unavailable after a certain time and I'm just out of luck with the new character or is this an actual bug?



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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