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Destiny について話し合おう
10/7/2015 7:02:09 PM

Speech after getting the jade rabbit!!!

I would first like to thank God because if not for him I would not be here. I would like to thank my parents who have instilled hard work and persistence and who pushed me to follow my dreams no matter what obstacles and difficulties inserted themselves into my path. I would like to thank my boyfriend buby who never stopped believing in me, who sacrificed his time and energy to help my reach my dreams. Your words of love and encouragement gave me the strength to carry on when I felt hopeless and wanted to give up. To my bestie Tac, your awesomeness on the field gave me something to worked towards, I've watched how over and over you reached every goal you have set for yourself and have excelled above and beyond; not just our standards but especially your own. You are a true inspiration. To the other members of my clan, thank you for being part of this moment. Each of you hold a special place in my heart, at 1 point in time or another you have helped me, kept me sane at all hrs of the night, each of us trying to reach our own individual quest and I can finally sit here and say I made it. Wise my oldest ride or die, you were there when no 1 else was. Zero your laid back attitude kept me calm and collected when I thought I was gonna lose it. Josh, you reminded me what it was like to be a child full of aspirations and awesomeness after the jaded life of being an adult. Creep your humor is 1 of a kind and your willingness to let us ride on your back was awe- inspiring. I wouldn't be here without you guys and I'm here to say I am also here for you. We shall over come and persevere because that is what 3GNAG represents. I would also like to thank the little ppl who I've stepped on, Bungie don't ever also colorware for keeping me stylish in my custom pink controllers, Sony because your system never died on me as of yet...and if I forgot to mention you...well you probably ain't do shit for me. So thank you again!!! I GOT THE JADE RABBIT BITCH!!!! (Drops mic, walks



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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