I don't remember the number but I think I've had about 21 deaths in one match. Really bad match... How many you've had?
I honestly don't really remember, but my worst game in recent past, I think I was roughly 6-9 kills and 15-17 deaths. Had a team who had the momentum and just completely steam rolled my team in a round of control. Non-stop supers it felt like. No one on my team went above .5 KD, this was early on in my (short) crucible career where I struggled hardcore to go .80-.90 Just how the cookie crumbles I guess.
Skirmish, both my teammates quit. I tried having fun with them but they kept just killing me. I eventually just jumped off a cliff repeatedly. They got so mad because they were one kill from winning and had 3-5 minutes left hahaha. Godeem. 30 deaths...