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Destiny について話し合おう
10/30/2015 12:04:07 PM

I "earned" my zhalo, graviton, space man helm (teehee), and rave robes. Now you can too!

I'm glad, Xur is finally selling something good for other players who don't have all day to waste like me. So if this is your first zhalo, then love it, care for it... For it is truly a wonderful weapon. As for them rave robes, don't party too hard, all that glimmer might come with side-effects... Enjoy being space-man until some noob cries for a nerf on their tracking like a turd. Then roll into a new day with graviton forfeit and make players forfeit their patience with trying to catch you in crucible... All in all, I'm so glad this came right before Halloween. This year's halloween is gonna be ballin! And to those gaurdians panicking about strange coins, here are my farming strats to get you some sweet strange coins: 1) Prison of Elders lvl 28: Easily the best, almost 3-4 coins every run, and much more if you have treasure keys. Unfortunately it is very boring so do keep that in mind... 2) lvl 36 strikes: Honestly, the rewards for 36 are identical (maybe even better) than heroic, so don't waste your time with heroic and run some lvl 36. Also, any strike specific loot will drop, had a: Does Not Bow drop for me recently nice auto rifle. Also another Mu'ual's Maulers. 3) Leveling up rep: Fact: Every vanguard, crucible, faction, and cryptarch rank up nets you 4 strange coins. So don't be afraid to hand over a few motes of light to bribe your rep with your faction. 4) Bounties: DUH! Pick them up silly! Complete them, roll in the rewards son! So I hope you guys enjoy this Friday, make sure it's electrifying... P.S. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES DO YOU GIVE XUR THE CHOCOLATE STRANGE COINS. This will obviously make him greedy and demand them alongside regular strange coins. We can't have that, keep the precious chocolate away from him and donate it to Eris...She could really use a pick me up...



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