okay, so this is a bit ridiculous with xur. why did he all of a sudden go from bad to worse with ttk? what happened bungie? i made the mistake of being expectant of xur to have something worth my grinding in poe for strange coins (which is another issue in itself) I look to xur, not for a chance at something i want with the engrams, but for a gun that i will want to buy with my strange coins. please bunige. improve xur. at least make it so that we have a way to get our exotics' light levels up to 310. if you wont make it so that xur will sell a weapon every week, do that at least. i dont know about all the other players, but i have a hard time finding higher level loot for many reasons.
if anybody reading this agrees with me, please bump this post.
Xur was almost never bad. People just like to bitch when he sells weapons they already have, even if those weapons are great for those who dont have them.