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Destiny について話し合おう
WormChiにより編集済み: 11/20/2015 6:27:29 PM

Youtubers & Streamers Are Ruining this Game

I believe that you tubers and steamers are in fact responsible for most of the nerfs that Bungie does. Look I love the content just as much as any one else, but these streamers and you tubers have biases based on their play style and if Bungie listens to anyone, they listen to the people they invite to their studios first. Case in point Planet Destiny, Triplewreck, and My Name is Byf all complained non-stop about shot guns and now that they have been nerfed into the ground their response is, "Bungie went to far." No they didn't, they did exactly what you're pleading for. The same for First Curse effectively ruining Hawkmoon in the process. Then there are the nine missing exotics that we all have wanted since the drop of TTK. These exotics are mostly for pvp and give the old subclasses more staying power in the shadow of the new ones. It looks like we are only getting two of them with the December time gate and they will most likely be the ones that a select few players have glitched into. The question is where's the other seven like Astrocyte Verse? It is most likely being held back because the aforementioned content providers complained OP before this was ever released. These people are not game designers and should keep some of their biases to themselves. Bungie doesn't want Datto saying I told you so, so by doing this the you tubers are effectively locking content from us. Astrocyte Verse was in the promos for TTK. I don't think it would be OP for an under utilized subclass especially in light of the shot gun nerfs to have a slightly better blink. Why can't one class have slightly better movement to help bring it in line with shadowstep? Albeit being forced to use an exotic. The answer is simple because Planet Destiny, Datto, and My Name is Byf complained OP before even playing with said gear. This is wrong. If you make content don't ask for nerfs before the gear is even in the loot table, because you can not predict the metta after an expansion and 3 new subclasses! Stop ruining the game for everyone else so you can golden gun, hos, and chain lighting everyone. Btw I'm not a shotgunner I want blink to make my voidwalker viable and for defense and platforming. End rant.



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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