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Destiny について話し合おう
11/22/2015 3:29:09 PM

Is anyone else tired of suiciding in Trials of Osiris to recieve Passage Coins for Card Buffs?

Coins should be awarded for Wins & Loss


More Coins should be awarded between matchs.


Passage Coins Purchasble through Vance.


I have spent numerous rounds in the last several weeks having to purposely kill our team because there is always someone who is completely depleted of Passage Coins and is unable to purchase buffs for his/her cards. It is pretty ridiculous having to do so. If that's not bad enough, there are many times when it must be done repeatedly due to only receiving one or two coins at the end of the match. I, myself have around 120 ATM, but have been frequently running Trials and have been noticing my numbers going down relatively fast. It makes no sense that we are unable to trade in glimmer or some form of currency to buy more if necessary. I am not one of those people, but there are many out there that will not even run Trials without your K/D being within a certain range, and going into matches and having to kill yourself for coins certainly does not help that matter. This system feels broken to me. It's difficult enough trying to run through with the buffs. Without them is near impossible. I don't mind at all trying to run without them, but there are so many that rely on the buffs and don't even bother trying without having them, therefore once they are depleted they either expect you to lose several rounds for them to obtain Coins or end up dropping from the match if you tell them to just try and run it. Maybe I am just getting unlucky as getting into a group with scrubs... but from what I've seen.... It seems to happen once out of ever two or three runs... if not on my team, I get an easy win from another team doing the exact same thing. Anyone feel like there should be a solution for this? I have three solutions above.... What do you think? If you have another solution. Feel free to post your thoughts and opinions below.



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