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Scots Kingにより編集済み: 10/29/2015 9:31:09 AM

Crucible Weekly Bounty Rewards

Did my first weekly crucible bounty last week & received a 290 Mask of Third Man ( I had equipped a 310 mask of third man) Do a nightfall after patch on Tuesday & received a 310 Mask of Third Man Did the second weekly crucible yesterday & received 290 Young Ahamkara's Spine. My question is how is 290 endgame-level gear given that on your update you state:- "The Crucible Weekly Bounty rewards have already been buffed in, so you should see some more endgame-level gear for your weekly efforts." Given that completing 5 crucible bounties will take longer than doing a nightfall was I just lucky with my nightfall drop or unlucky with the others? Edit 1: Ok so results for this week. 2 Nightfalls done & 2 Legendary weapons at 291 light (can't remember what they were but nothing special & already dismantled for the marks) Weekly crucible Ghost shell @ 310. Maybe it goes better NF reward crappy Crucible reward & visa versa. Will update next week.
#Help #crucbile



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