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viraltacoにより編集済み: 11/23/2015 11:24:04 AM

Not again ! Helm of Krolok aka another sleeper simulant.

Hello Guardians, While looking around on the web I found something interesting… A hunter helmet called the "[url=]Helm of Krolok[/url]" The problem with this helmet is that I can't find ANY person owning it or knowing how to find it. I just sent a tweet to Deej, hopefully he'll answer… Anyone know anything about this mystery helmet ? Is it even in the game yet ? Do you know anyone who owns it ? Please halp ;-; I'm really hoping that there is something clever to do to find it… Thanks :) Don't forget to dislike, hate and report :3 Edit: Description of the Helmet: "It's like they say: Pride goeth before the fall." Bible, Proverbs 16:[u]18[/u]: "How much better [is it] to get wisdom than gold! and to get understanding rather to be chosen than silver! The highway of the upright [is] to depart from evil: he that keepeth his way preserveth his soul. [u]Pride [goeth] before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.[/u] Better [it is to be] of an humble spirit with the lowly, than to divide the spoil with the proud. He that handleth a matter wisely shall find good: and whoso trusteth in the LORD, happy [is] he." Thoughts ? After reading this I think it might come from Golgoroth or even the sisters in challenge mode… It comes before the fall… 



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