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Destiny について話し合おう
12/9/2015 10:44:24 PM

Veteran Requirements

[quote]Requirements to be a Destiny veteran: ●Did you push of Atheon of the edge? ●Did you pull the chord on Crota? ●Did you cry electric tears after beating Skolas on Arc burn? ●Did you cry electric tears after giving up on Skolas on Arc burn, because evrything was more OP than Thorn? Oh yeah that reminds me... ●Did you see the vex back when it could whipe a six man team ×2 without reloading? ●Do you remember shotpackage? ●Do you remember Felwinters lie? ●Have you spawned in to a trials game to hear two sniper shots fired off into nothing... ●Do you remember the loot cave? ●Do you remember geting blues from -blam!-ing legendaries? ●Do you remember the heavy ammo drought of 2015 ●Do you remember #forever29 ●Have you ever seen a fusion rifle with Javelin as a perk? ●Do you remember Husk of the pit & its screwed up drop rate? ●Do you remember the disappointment that was the necrochasm? ●Have you seen a crux of crota drop? ●Most importantly do you remember dinklebot? ●Do you remember the farming routes for the planets? ●Do you remember the infinite self rez glitch? ●Do you remember the tower before kiosks? ●Do you remember the solar heavy weapon that you would use regardless of burn modifiers? ●Do you remember when there was more than four strikes in the nightfall? ●Do you remember the weekly heroics with three different difficulties (adjustable)? ●Do you remember the ultra captain? ●Do you remember randal the vandal? ●Did you take part in the first ever queens wrath? [b][i][u]●SHIT HOW COULD I HAVE LEFT THIS OUT, DO YOU REMEMBER WHEN YOU HAD BLUE FLAMES OVER YOUR HEAD FOR COMPLETING A NIGHTFALL?[/u][/i][/b] [b][i][u]IF YOU ANSWERED NO 2 OR MORE OF THESE QUESTIONS YOU'RE NOT A DESTINY VETERAN, INFACT THAT MAKES YOU THE NOOB.[/u][/i][/b] Edits below: ●How could I not mention when crucible marks and vanguard marks were a thing. ●Vanguard/crucible comendations. ●Do remember grown man scream like little girls, when they got Ghorn? ●NIGHTFALLS USED TO SEND YOU TO ORBIT IF YOU WIPED. ●Do you remember when normal crucible ammo drops were like that of mayhem. ● Do you remember Qqupadron before nerf, he was worse than Valus T'aurc and I'm not talking about the little wus he is today I'm talking about the Valus that would make oryx seem like a normal add? ●Do you remember the reign of the pocket infinity? ●Do you remember farming for glimmer for Ib?[/quote]



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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