Let us all rejoice at the return of the glorious MIDA!
The gun for all situations.
Oh, I wanna make some spam and eggs? MIDA opens the tin and cracks the eggs without breaking the yokes!
Got a flat tire? MIDA is the jack and the tire iron. I'm back on the road in no time!
Can't find the remote? Universal Remote not Y2? Never fear! MIDA controls the cable and the tv!
That guy thinks he's gonna snipe this game? He clearly hasn't realized I'm the fasted guardian alive and he's about to get a whole can of stagger up in his face!
Still have a VCR and never figured out how to set that damn clock? MIDA does that, too!
Here at MIDAholics Anonymous, we aren't trying to help you break your addiction. We're here to foster it! Give in to the urge!
So rejoice this holiday season, guardians. MIDA has returned and brought us the greatest gift of all.
MIDA is love. MIDA is life.